Das war das "Deal des Jahrhunderts" von Trump während seiner ersten Präsidentschaft vorgeschlagen. Der Plan bestand darin, 30 % des Westjordanlands und ganz Jerusalem an Israel zu übergeben. Während das neue Land Palästina Abu Dis (ein Dorf östlich von Jerusalem) als neue Hauptstadt haben würde. Als Entschädigung hätte Palästina einige Gebiete in der Negev-Wüste, die nicht an Ägypten grenzen. Das palästinensische Land würde aus einer Reihe von Enklaven bestehen, die durch von Israel kontrollierte Straßen verbunden wären. Das neue Land hätte kein Militär und wäre in Bezug auf Ressourcen wie Nahrung, Wasser und Energie auf Israel angewiesen. Um diesen Plan durchzusetzen, schlug Trump dem neuen Land auch Wirtschaftshilfe aus Israel und den USA vor

Von italianNinja1


  1. Intrepid-Treacle-862 on

    This is one of the worst and least realistic plans ever constructed. When you compare it to the Clinton parameters which where rejected by Arafat or even olmert’s plan (which I don’t think would have succeeded). If there is any new peace process it should follow the Clinton parameters because that was as realistic as you would get imo.

  2. StevenColemanFit on

    A two state solution is the only answer to this conflict, however, this is not it.

    The Palestinian state must have dignity for the Palestinians and the opportunity to prosper.

    The deal should also recognise and deal with Israel’s legitimate security concerns and ensure it can continue to exist as a Jewish state.

    Too deny or argue with either of these points means you’re not an advocate for peace but rather an advocate for demonisation of one side, or simply put; a useful idiot for propaganda.

  3. CatVegetable8705 on

    There will be no peace in Israel/Palestine as long as the religious fundamentalists on both sides have a say in the matter.

  4. moozootookoo on

    The majority of Palestinians want it all or nothing, they will end up with nothing.

    In 50 years from now this map will look more desirable then what they have or will get.

    It’s just how it’s going to go for anyone paying attention to reality.

  5. modsaretoddlers on

    That can never work.

    The whole problem is that Israel needs defensible borders. This is literally giving Israel’s enemies a forward operating base right in Israel to launch an invasion. Israel will never accept any plan like this.

  6. CrownTown785v2 on

    Fuck that. Palestinians should be lucky to keep the land they have currently and shouldn’t be given anything more.

  7. After what happened on October 7th, the  Palestinians will be extremely lucky if they ever get something remotely similar to this. 

  8. Separate_Desk_7809 on

    A lot of ignorant people here, so ignorant you would they they’re bots

  9. BizarroMax on

    That’s even less generous than what Clinton proposed. Seems unlikely.

  10. Lets be honest. Its not his plan. Hes too dumb to come up with anything as complex as a peace plan. This is what the highest bidder paid for.

  11. Ape_Politica1 on

    After October 7 there will never be a Palestinian state. That ship has sailed. Not saying that’s a good thing- but it’s the reality of the situation.

  12. Marius_Sulla_Pompey on

    A map called “How you upset everyone”. It’s a sorry looking combination of Palestine pre-1970s – Jerusalem and west bank suburbs.

    Palestine wouldn’t give up that much of west bank and neither Israel regress its progress it made on the Gaza side.

    Not just dysfunctional it’s also a recipe for more war. Clocks back in 60 years sort of.

  13. AdministrationFew451 on

    To anyone criticizing this, like it or not, this is actually way more plausible than any “67” style borders.

    The palestinians had multiple chances for just that and rejected them all, and no one minimally sane would give them that now, as that would just mean more war.

    The only plausible state would likely be based on the current actual situation on the ground, and current A&B divisions with some corrections, and transportational continuity.

    And even then, obviously demilitarized.

    That’s where doubling down on attempt to destroy the other side for 80 years gets you, even as you keep losing.

  14. jussumguy123 on

    I do not see much difference in Trumps plan and what’s been going on for 40 plus years. Isreal controls resources and travel Palestinians get semi autonomy in designated areas.

  15. coldcoldman2 on

    The fucking tunnel lol

    I forsee some future tragedy resulting in numerous deaths from a tunnel collapse due to mismanagement

  16. Awkward-Hulk on

    Let’s be real, Trump had very little to do with that map. He merely slapped his name on it after his team presented him with 5 bullet points that made sense to him.

  17. ShroomieDoomieDoo on

    babe wake up, they’re gerrymandering foreign countries now

  18. PrinceHardwood on

    I’m afraid that since October 7, 2023 a two state solution is further away than it has ever been.

  19. Brainchild110 on

    Last time I checked, Israel was it’s own state with its own decision making capabilities. And a war fighting ability that vastly outstrips that of what’s left of Palestine.

    Dreams are nice. But they’re not reality.

  20. Inside-Cow3488 on

    Guaranteed Trump didn’t have anything to do with this. Bet he couldn’t point to Israel on a map.

  21. “But the Palestinians always reject peace” because every deal offered involves them getting fleeced

  22. Tbh, this would probably give the Palestinians more than any other realistic(!) deal would give them…

  23. His current plan is for no Palestinians which is the goal of the Israeli government

  24. ContractLong7341 on

    Take their best land, relocate them, and make them dependent on you for food, water, and energy.

    This is exactly what happened to the Native Americans.

  25. Special_Ad8921 on

    😂 You think Trump is going to offer the same thing he did BEFORE 10/7 to them now?

    They’re not going to have a state for another 76 years.

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