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Yeah, Americans don’t care about shit unless it directly affects them. They largely don’t know how to see further than 10 feet from their face, or 5 minutes into their future.
We have 2 major problems in the US. 1) Mental Health 2) Education. We have a bunch of mentally fucked up idiots in this country. Absolute morons who have the ability to vote. They vote against their best interests and don’t even realize it.
Yep, and even more egregious they did not give 2 fucks about the false electors scheme
They can try and argue that jan 6th was just “protesting gone wrong” (it wasnt) but the false electors scheme is most solid tangible evidence of Trumps attempt to overthrow the government…his co-conspirators are still being indicted and Trump only recieved indictment in Georgia as well as by Jack Smith federally which is now going nowhere, despicable
he should be impeached and convicted in the senate the second he is inaugurated on this alone even beyond what happend Jan 6th (wont happen though piece of shit republicans)
If they didn’t care, they don’t care about their country. Since Gen Z stayed home and Gen X men voted for bigotry, we’re done. We have no hope in our future generations of leaders, because they don’t care. May they get what they deserve.
You can tell people until you’re blue in the face but some kids just need to touch a hot stove before they learn. Let it burn.
I don’t think it’s that Americans didn’t care per se.
But rather, we weren’t allowed to care.
1. 2021 is miles away. It was horrifying at the time. But COVID was still rampant, the election just happened, and nothing really came of Jan 6th.
2. Since then, inflation has wrecked budgets, forcing many households and people into survival mode, so anything of significant political importance has been shoved WAY down the totem pole.
3. NOTHING CAME OF JAN 6th! I can’t emphasize this enough. Aside from the 2-year gap, we didn’t see any meaningful consequences for those who orchestrated the event. Trump got away with it.
So why on earth should *anyone* care? Yes, it was terrible. Yes, it was an attack on our democracy. Yes, it’s a blueprint to overthrow our government.
But when those same vested interests shrug at what happened… when the entire system is set to shock us into survival mode… why is it a shock that voters don’t care?
Maybe if we didn’t sit on this for 2 years we’d have seen more. Maybe if we put Trump in prison?
But no, we wussed out.
So voters checked out.
The problem is it’s impossible not to sound alarmist when reacting appropriately to a fucking coup if people are living in an alternative reality where they are being disinformed by bad faith actors. Fuck the right wing media, fuck social media, and fuck legacy media for granting legitimacy to the right wing press in the first place .
I disagree we watched it happen, nothing has come of it, and finally he’s back. Why is it always spun 180 degree and treated like normal?
Fam – let’s be real. The politicians in the room didn’t take it seriously after they got out of harms way.
This was a fucking insurrection. Should have taken all the GOP out of office day fucking one.
They saw the DOJ basically whiff it in every single case… Not that they lost or he wasn’t guilty AF, but if the people who prosecute this shit can’t be arsed to carry any of the cases over the finish line. They even saw the slam dunk case get dismissed (incorrectly, but it happened).
This gave the right all the latitude they needed to message that Trump was persecuted and their viewers ate it up. Then you have the non-political voters who really don’t pay attention, but if he is still running, it couldn’t have been that serious, right? At least that’s how many read it.
The failures that led to this were so many in so many ways that the only way to sum it up briefly is America played itself and lost… and here we are with a criminal who thinks he is king and 30% of the country believing it, another 30% that doesn’t really care and the rest of us who are mad enough to eat their shoes, but feel helpless at this point since the people with the power to stop it all went for performative tactics or were unable to gain enough traction to be effective (examples: J6 committee and Jack Smith both faced a headwind that they could not ultimately surmount).
We can see from South Korea how it should have been handled. The public has just given up thinking the government will save us.
elon rigged that shit.
turns out allowing the media to demonize half of America all day every day for decades the other (overly religious) half wont really care what laws are broken to get rid of them
Yeah not punishing the people responsible really made it seem like the event wasn’t that bad and then why would anyone care at that point?
People would believe it actually was as dangerous as it truly was if the democrats took ACTION that indicated it was truly a danger.
Action means prosecuting trump and treating him like a coup leader for years, not slowly waiting for AG Garland to arrest rank and file people who participated.
Two things from some political folks I used to pay more attention to (now I’m taking a step back from reading/podcasts)
1- Sarah Kendzior, great journalist/writer, often says people assume if things truly were that dangerous there would be consequences. If no consequences then people assume it’s not truly as bad as the “alarmists” claim.
2- Jon Lovett (pod save America etc) I remember right after the election pointed out how hollow it was that Harris and Biden in speeches basically said “well be okay.” Yet during the election they rightly called Trump an aspiring dictator. How do you want Americans to take it seriously when you pivot like that?
I think these two are the crux of it all with people “not caring” about Jan 6
The United States is over.
Why would they? The DOJ did not even start investigating him until he started his 2024 campaign. They were just going to fucking let him go like they always do with rich white conservative guys.
How do you expect people to care when our own Justice Department went out of their way to avoid holding Trump accountable. Biden and Garland intentionally drug their feet on the issue because they were afraid of looking like they were “attacking” republicans and getting retribution if they got back in power and now we all have to deal with the consequences of that. Hiring Garland and not absolutely bringing the hammer down on the insurrection from the TOP down will be by far the biggest stain on Biden’s legacy, an objective failure on the whole administration for allowing trump to even be in a position to run a campaign again.
They would do their best to hang every registered democrat in America if Biden tried the same. Democrats just go “at least no one else got hurt” and do jack shit.
They probably cared in 2021, by the time any charges were filed or action taken, more then 2 YEARS after,they didn’t care.
What’s treason to a false God?
Because they talked didn’t show. The Harris campaign should have run a 30 second spot. Fade into January 6, scene of the cop getting beat unconscious with the flag pole. Audio is Trump’s speech from that day. Fade to black, letters appear: ‘We aren’t going back. Paid for by the Harris/Waltz campaign.’
That’s more effective than empty talk about democracy.
While I will never vote Republican again (I’ve cast a few R votes in local/state races in the early 1990s) the problem is Democrats trying to be Republican lite. They ignore the base, allowed the center to be dragged to the right of Nixon, and support the corporatist status quo in a futile effort to pull Republican votes. Republicans will always choose the candidate with the R after their name. I hold my nose and vote D because I don’t want fascism, but like many people on the left, I desperately want actual left candidates.
Harris lost because several million people who voted for Biden in 2020 didn’t vote at all. Dems lost the Senate because people like Tester (MT) didn’t lean into their own bases. They tried to pull votes from straight ticket Republicans and they failed. Clinton lost in 2016 for the same reason she lost the primary in 2008. She was a status quo candidate. Obama promised (but didn’t deliver) change. Sanders had broad appeal as a disruptor. And Trump looked like a disruptor to independent voters. But Debbie Wasserman-Schulz and the DNC and Clinton herself had decided it was “her turn,” and ignored the base. In 2020 Biden won because people (reasonably) blamed Trump for the problems he caused. But memories fade quickly.
They were TOLD not to care continuously. Right wing news minimized it and every social media platform was inundated with comments minimizing it which turned into more news stories which turned into lack of caring.
January 6 was the distraction needed to disregard the voter’s choice. The real plan happened on a number of fronts.
In my best Luke Skywalker voice: “I care”.
I think informed Americans cared. Magats and the uninformed didn’t give a shit because the DoJ never did anything about any of Trump’s crimes. They had 4 years to something and didn’t do a thing. They let the worst man who has ever taken office get away with his crimes because they didn’t do a thing
The truest thing trump ever said was that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose a vote. They don’t care as long as he playing on their team while the democrats have the “woke mind virus”. Even those that are against what trump says and does but vote Republican don’t care because they are never going to side with the “opposition”.
Republicans successfully caused the excess deaths of 1,000,000 Americans when they downplayed COVID, delayed, shorted, and prevented the successfull deployment of emergency response and services to deal with the pandemic. In response we relected some of them including the worst of them that are directly responsible for much of that death.
19 folks flew some planes into a few buildings and successfully killed approximately 4,000 Americans. Our response was to send our military to kill a 1,000,000 innocent people and cause the death approximately 7,000 US service member with an additional 53,000 casualties.
What’s the point? Get your bag, fuck you, pay me. Do not be burdened by ethics and customs. Get yours and stop caring, we don’t care about ourselves enough for anyone to lose sleep over giving a fuck.
It is for this reason I am shocked daily he won.
That Russian influence must run deep.
Our justice system is a joke.
Democracy seems strange. It’s weird to see people signing the death warrant of their own power.
America’s rural rabble yearn for elitist authoritarians who despise them. They love bullying tyrants, who will use them as cattle and cannon fodder. They seem to want to be mistreated and die like Russians.
This is a huge indictment of the American electorate. Democracy and freedom are not possible when political violence and insurrection are rewarded.