NP-Ansicht: Kanadas Wohlfahrtsstaat bricht unter der Belastung unverantwortlicher Einwanderung zusammen


  1. funwhenitsdark on

    I think I read somewhere that it takes, in a typical year, 11 years for a new Canadian to become tax positive (pay in more than they take out).

    If that’s still even the case, we all have to set our social safety net expectations a fair bit lower for a while

  2. SportsUtilityVulva9 on

    In 2020, at the start of the pandemic, CMHC predicted a housing correction; because, like we did, they assumed immigration would stop from badly infected countries. Instead the floodgates were opened wide, critics were called racist, and thus we started the worlds worst housing crisis

    It truly l saddens me to think of how affordable housing would’ve been in comparison if we closed the borders for the pandemic

    **Our population has increased approximately 5,438,989 since trudeau was elected**

    >In 2020, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) initially predicted a significant decline in housing prices, with forecasts ranging up to an 18% downturn. However, these predictions did not materialize as expected. By June 2020, housing prices in many areas of Canada, particularly in Toronto, saw increases rather than declines. The Canadian Real Estate Association reported a 6.5% increase in housing prices in June, and the Toronto Real Estate Board noted a 12% year-over-year increase in home sales. Despite initial concerns, the housing market showed resilience, with prices rising even as the pandemic continued

  3. RonnyMexico60 on

    We are making small progress I suppose.We couldn’t even talk openly about this stuff a few years back 😂

  4. InternationalFig400 on

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    Look at that–and conservative led provinces to boot…..

  5. Relevant-Rise1954 on

    It’s not crumbling, taxes on the rich just need to go up so it can be better funded and expanded.

    Everything is possible, provided we just have the will to take from the productive and give to the unproductive.

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