Das EU-Parlament macht Druck auf Malta: [https://timesofmalta.com/article/decriminalise-abortion-eu-parliament-urges-malta.1090845#cta\_comments](https://timesofmalta.com/article/decriminalise-abortion-eu-parliament-urges-malta.1090845#cta_comments)
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Von GozoXaghra
1 Comment
I’m a local (M/28) and I support abbortion, but…
I believe that prevention is the BEST remedy and the abbortion option should be available as a last resort, and not as a backup plan. If baby boxes and abortion are introduced and marketed as something which is a norm, we would have a bunch of people running around either getting pregnant or spreading seeds.
My grandfather always thought me this; “If you have a leaky faucet, do not just but a bucket under it to capture the water droplets, since at some point it will get full and you’ll be faced with an additional problem. Fix the faucet immediately instead” (Trust me sounds much better and more inspirational in Maltese”
So my conclusion is that we must EDUCATE our selfs and most importantly our children on this subject.