Honduras schlägt vor, die militärische Zusammenarbeit der USA wegen Trumps Massenabschiebungsdrohung zu beenden



  1. Class_of_22 on

    Thing is, is that if this lady does make good on her promise to massively expel the U.S. Military from the country as a response to the deportation, Trump is likely to NOT take that very well emotionally, and who knows what he could do as a result…

  2. >She said the U.S. had maintained a presence in Honduran territory for decades without paying a cent 

    > While it is a Honduran base, the U.S. has maintained a significant presence there since 1983 and it has become a key U.S. launching point for humanitarian and anti-drug missions in Central America.

    She wants the US to pay them money….. for us to send them aid?…….

  3. HereIGoAgain99 on

    Lets you know the quality of individuals who will be returning if she’s this upset.

  4. Grouchy_Aide_3018 on

    The wolves are out. Everyone knows Trump is a giant pussy. 

  5. Kablammy_Sammie on

    How is this not Honduras tacitly acknowledging that there’s a problem?

  6. ForwardIC2 on

    So what…..they need us there to fight narco terrorism. We should just leave .

  7. This-Maintenance1400 on

    This is what trump is talking about. $800million in aid and she’s not even willing to take back the murderes and rapists

  8. Intrepid_Whereas9256 on

    I only hope they pursue policies that have better outcomes. Non-cooperation with Trump does seek to be in their best interests.

  9. Cactusfan86 on

    Im not pro Trump but at the same time I’m not super sympathetic to their attitude of ‘well we support our brothers and sisters…. But we can’t handle them coming back so no take backs’.  Demanding more aid to help sure, but just claiming you shouldn’t have to take in your own citizens is a… choice 

  10. LePhoenixFires on

    Do it. I’m all for Pax Americana and the US leading the world into global unity but our citizenry have decided to rebuke liberalism, global hegemony, and progress. So fuck us. Every nation should rebuke the American empire and bite the hand that feeds them. Make life worse for all of us so that every foreign and domestic, left and right doubter of liberal and progressive policy, of globalism, of interventionism, and of the American Century, can see what happens when the most powerful nation decides rather than be world police and aid-giver, that it can be a hostile belligerent in a multipolar world like China and Russia. That it can rebuke aid and turn inwards and forsake liberalism. That all there is is realpolitik and jingoism.

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