Ketamin stellt die Bewegungskontrolle bei Parkinson-Patienten wieder her – Ketamin kann Levodopa-induzierter Dyskinesie bei Parkinson entgegenwirken, indem es die Kontrolle des motorischen Kortex wiederherstellt.
I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
Ketamine Restores Movement Control in Parkinson’s Patients
Ketamine may counter levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s by restoring motor cortex control.
University of Arizona researchers have advanced understanding of a common complication in Parkinson’s disease treatment: involuntary movements known as levodopa-induced dyskinesia. Published in Brain, the study reveals how long-term treatment with levodopa alters brain function and explores how ketamine may offer therapeutic benefits.
The study also investigated ketamine, an anesthetic, as a potential treatment for dyskinesia. The researchers found that ketamine disrupts abnormal electrical patterns in the brain and promotes neuroplasticity – the ability of neurons to form new connections. These changes may help the motor cortex regain control over movement.
A single dose of ketamine provided benefits lasting weeks to months in initial trials, raising the possibility of developing more targeted therapies. Adjusting ketamine doses to maintain therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects is an area of ongoing research.
I’ve noticed street drugs do work a lot better, for some of the really important things.