Trumplicas 6. Bezirk hat gerade die Netzneutralität zerstört (und was auch immer vom erbärmlichen US-Breitband-Verbraucherschutz übrig geblieben ist)
Trumplicas 6. Bezirk hat gerade die Netzneutralität zerstört (und was auch immer vom erbärmlichen US-Breitband-Verbraucherschutz übrig geblieben ist)
Gross. 🤢🤮
>Telecoms (and the various think tanks, lawyers, lobbyists, and consultants paid to love them) have opposed not just net neutrality, but absolutely any federal broadband consumer protection. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about basic pricing transparency requirements or accurate broadband maps; the telecom industry desperately wants to rip you off without pesky federal intervention.
>They’re poised to get what they want, and more. As expected, the Sixth Circuit dismantling of net neutrality (and FCC authority more generally) leans heavily on the recent Trump Supreme Court Loper Bright ruling, which has taken a hatchet to the last vestiges of regulatory independence:
Why does anyone trust a business that says it doesn’t want regulation?
So much for ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ phrase ‘Land of the free’ then.
So realistically what happens now?
People should be losing their minds over this. Dragging officials into the streets, French revolution style. Yet… Nothing…
Think of the dumb reason people stormed the capital. Now consider a legitimate reason like this, and ask yourself, “where’s that level of disdain for something legitimate like this?”
You know how China sometimes makes CEOs disappear for a while when they get too corrupt, and it’s treated in the West like the worst thing in the world?
We’re seeing the consequences of not harshly penalizing this sort of corruption here in the West every time something like this happens.
When the wealthy and powerful face no consequences for corruption, of course they’re going to utilize it to gain more wealth and power.
MAGA might get priced out of their propaganda addicted media
Keep in mind that Trump appointed Brendan Carr to head the FCC, and he is opposed to net neutrality protections. Meaning he is against maintaining an open and fair Internet.
**Brendan Carr**:
Authored a chapter in Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. Which outlines proposed FCC policies for a future Donald Trump administration.
Carr previously served as the agency’s general counsel and as an aide to FCC commissioner Ajit Pai.
Carr supports changes to Section 230 and opposes net neutrality protections.
Carr publicly accused social media platforms of being biased against the Trump reelection campaign. During an on-air interview with Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox News, Carr stated that “Since the 2016 election, the far left has hopped from hoax to hoax to hoax to explain how it lost to President Trump at the ballot box.”
Carr has accused Adam Schiff of overseeing a “secret and partisan surveillance machine”.
In 2021, Carr criticized the Biden administration’s proposal for $100 billion in new broadband deployment.
Carr has been pretty vocal about the Biden administration’s efforts to make broadband Internet a more accessible service for Americans, calling it “administrative regulatory overreach.”.
He’s an avid supporter of Elon Musk and has no problem supporting Musk’s efforts to gain subsidies for internet service.
When Elon Musk was criticized for denying Ukraine extended Starlink satellite coverage because he believed that Russia would launch an attack against the U.S. in response, Carr came to Musk’s defense, claiming that there was an “effort to weaponize the government against Musk,” and that it was “part of a clear and repeating pattern of regulatory harassment that accelerated the moment Elon Musk stood up for free speech.”
Idiots voted for higher prices and less competition. This seems like a decision the worst half of the population voted for and it’s also the half of the population that will be most negatively impacted. I can’t muster any sympathy.
USA quickly becoming russia
*The Matrix* gets less unrealistic every year. I’m feeling more Cipher every year as a result.