Filmmaterial des französischen Widerstands, 2. Weltkrieg, AUGUST 1944

Von Huge-Promise-7753


  1. Decent_Persimmon8120 on

    These is the reason why, mocking France for surrending so quicky is complete disrespect. Literaly more then 100.000 man and woman of all ages, took up arms against Nazi Germany and Vichy France. They where vital to the sucess of the Allied Normandy landings as well all sorts of Allied operations, specialy when it came to intelligence, and payd a heavy price, many more civilians often entire villages would be executed by the German Army due to suspecting of colaborating with the French Resistance. The goverment as it was might have fallen rather quickly, like every other nation did like Poland and even the UK was near complete defeat, but ther people DID NOT !!!!

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