Clintons Erbe

Von frenzy3


  1. Add in all the cops who saw Weiner’s emergency file and Gadaffi. I’m sure there are dozens more.

  2. OnePointSixOne9 on

    True or not, this is one of the shittiest infographics I’ve ever seen.

  3. BadAndUnusual on

    Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action

  4. EUGsk8rBoi42p on

    This should be in a tree chart diagram, anyone got one? So we can see how the different murders link back to the Clintons?

  5. wintersun60 on

    So,,, if you ever run into either of Clinton’s and they want to be your friend,,,,,,RUN

  6. Add to this list Kevin Spacey career terminated in strange circumstances

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