Kanada stoppt Bewerbungen für eine dauerhafte Aufenthaltspatenschaft für Eltern und Großeltern – thestar.com



  1. Make it permenant.

    The idea that one person can come here and then bring their entire family over to tax our healthcare and housing while paying nothing in taxes, and grandparents do not really work, is insane.

    If you want to come here, do it legally. If you want to be with your family, stay in your country.

  2. Well, they’ve already brought in about 30 years worth of immigrants in the last 5 years, so a pause on extended family members makes sense lol.

    Unlike everything else this government has done / is doing.

  3. thisisfunone on

    Why was that ever a thing? We have never needed to bring older and unskilled people here. If you don’t want to leave your family, then don’t. WTF?

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