Israel baute eine „KI-Fabrik“ für den Krieg. Es hat es in Gaza entfesselt. | Jahre vor dem Gaza-Krieg verwandelte Israel seine Geheimdiensteinheit in ein KI-Testgelände und löste damit eine Debatte unter den Oberbefehlshabern darüber aus, ob die Menschen ausreichend auf dem Laufenden seien.
TLDR Israel’s military is using AI tools that rapidly generate potential targets and analyze intelligence data
* The IDF’s “Lavender” system assigns percentage scores predicting how likely Palestinians are to be militant group members, but this requires human analysts to review and validate the predictions, typically with additional intelligence sources (though the two-source verification requirement was reduced to one source during the war)
* When estimating casualties, human analysts use AI tools that combine drone footage analysis and cell phone data to calculate occupancy rates, which they then present to commanders who make the final decision.
* The intelligence unit (8200) underwent a significant cultural shift, moving to one that increasingly prioritized technological solutions – a change that some argue contributed to missing human warnings before October 7th.
* While the AI systems dramatically increased the speed of target generation (from 50 targets per year to 100 per day), there remained a human review process where intelligence analysts could investigate the AI’s reasoning by double-clicking to see the underlying information that led to specific recommendations.
oh the computer says bomb the kids I guess we have no choice this thing is artificially intelligent
After this is over it would be great to analyse the data. My guess is it saved lives.