Mein Trinken im Jahr 2024 [OC]

Von allelectricberries


  1. PacquiaoFreeHousing on

    is this from a spreadsheet? i have similar data but for my nuts

  2. Can see some holidays like Thanksgiving and New Years, but what’s April 8th?

  3. SamusAran47 on

    Over 20 drinks in one day is straight insanity, that’s nuts

  4. itslikewoow on

    What’s your country and religion if you don’t mind me asking? I find it interesting that you didn’t have any drinks on Christmas.

  5. hamfist_ofthenorth on

    I have absolutely no idea how anyone can have 1-2 drinks and stop.

    It’s so much easier for me to just abstain. My chart for the year would be 95% green, with freckles of *deep purple*

  6. medicineman97 on

    You fit the bill for medical alcoholism. 14 or more drinks per week with episodes of binge drinking.

  7. For others reading it: the totals are total *days* drinking, not total drinks.

    I thought it was the latter at first, and thought “that math is way off” but realized what it’s supposed to be after a minute (to be fair, the data isn’t labeled very well).

    Hope this helps someone else that got confused similarly to how I did.

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