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Oh, so they wait for the republicans to take over before they start doing their job. Because that makes sense.
I do think some Dems will assist the GOP on their own sometimes (especially the Thirteen that won in Trump districts, like Golden and Cuellar) to win their seats in the midterms.
That being said, outside the Thirteen, I doubt anyone else will help the GOP, and I don’t expect them to be deciding votes-the Dems lost power, so they don’t need to keep the USA functioning.
Note that this is an opinion piece encouraging Democrats to stop compromising with Republicans in order to keep things running. The author wants Democrats to let Republicans burn the country down wherever possible in order to prove a point.
>Democrats have one goal for the next two years: ensuring that MAGA Republicans lose control of the House and Senate in 2026.
This is how the GOP thinks but it’s not what the Democrats have traditionally done.
Why? Because it’s bullshit. The next election is not the only thing that matters, what we do in the meantime actually affects people’s lives. Governance matters, preventing suffering in the interim matters, not letting perfect be the enemy of good matters. Democrats believe this and keep compromising for imperfect solutions.
The kind of cynical approach the author wants to see won’t work with the Democratic base. Republicans might be willing to say “yeah our representatives made our lives worse but it was merely a power play they had to make”. Democratic voters will hold their representatives accountable every step of the way and won’t forgive them for abandoning them in order to make a power play.
Sad but true. Let the people who voted for the GOP squirm. I’m done giving a shit about them.
Thank you.
This guy is smart.
Let me pull out my “let’s wait and see how this goes” card… I fully support Jeffries. He can pull it off. Will he? Let’s see… I suggest no votes for any GOP bill. If they can’t pass them — that’s on them.
Democrats should not be involved in the next presidential election. We all know the economy will collapse after four years of Trump. They need to let the Republicans take responsibility for fixing what they have wrecked and not always pretend that it is the Democrats who are bringing the economy back together. The average voter always blames the Democrats for the Republican wreckage anyway. Let’s see if they finally realize it. And I don’t care if everything falls apart.
That is gut splitting hilarious! Oh sure, the Dems will act tough and puff their chest. In the end they will agree to greater concessions than the republicans ask for and will smell their farts and act smug when asked why.
They control everything, so put it all in their laps. Treat them the way they’ve treated every Democratic president since Nixon. Vote No on everything. If they can’t pass it with their majorities, then it doesnt pass. Any Democrat that collaborates should be primaried.
Hey, the cows have all escaped! From now on, we keep the barn doors closed.
Oh I guess the years we’ve been getting sand kicked in our faces as democrats tried to play nice in the sandbox was finally too much.
Wish that realization had come a lot fucking sooner but
Absolutely THE smartest think piece post-election I have read. FINALLY my “what do we do now?” question is answered.. Someone, anyone, please make sure Democrats read this!
They should’ve done this 10 years ago
Gonna YELL this for those upfront…. “too fucking late dems!”
And republicans will spin this and blame democrats for it when nothing gets done and maga supporters will believe it
They won’t follow through with it. They give in every time
Idiotic to imagine you’ll ever vote again in a fashion that meaningfully impacts anything.
I think the author is too black and white. If Jeffries is any good. He’s getting plenty in return for his rescues of the republicans. The result, he keeps things running. And he gains a bit of leverage. It might even be better for his reelection and all the dems???
They won’t. Dems are spineless. New party needed
The democrats give in each time because they are in lock step with right of center politics.
About time we started playing some fucking hardball of our own. To hell with bipartisanship, it’s a sham.
It’s cute they think that Trump will listen to congress at all.
If only they had stopped to listen to their working class base.
The conservatives gladly accept liberal help and assistance and in the same breath refuse to do anything to help the liberals.
Take the gloves off and fight. That’s the only thing I admire about the conservatives. They actively fight. Liberals don’t do jack shit.
You see the conservatives actively fighting for evil like deportation and the removal of rights.
When was the last time the liberals put forth any effort to do anything actually liberal like seeking universal healthcare or raising the minimum wage.
Enablers will enable
too little, too late.
give it 2 weeks and they’ll ‘have to do something to save the GOP from themselves’
so nothing passes. cool. 10% cap on credit card interest rates? no. Cuts to the military budget? wouldn’t want to upset the Reddit r/politics brain trust.
then in four years, you all can protest by not voting because “the government doesn’t do anything.”
Democrats are too chickenshit to take the gloves off. Trump will grab them by the pussy. Again.
he says right after he just helped republicans avert a government shutdown. hes full of shit.
If Democrats weren’t going to bail out Republicans then they wouldn’t have helped them avoid a government shutdown less than two weeks ago.
The GOP stopped being bipartisan the moment Obama was elected.