WARMINGTON: Der Bürgermeister von Mississauga sagt, die Konferenz zum radikalen Islam sei nicht erwünscht



  1. Concentrateman on

    I’d welcome them to a one way air flight of their choice. All expenses paid. We can all live without this kind of ideology.

  2. NoF0cksToGive on

    When this is revealed as a prank see if it makes the headlines

  3. lunch and babysitting included though! get a break from those kids and be radicalized? what a bargain.

  4. ItsAProdigalReturn on

    The journalistic integrity in this is the drinking water equivalent of toxic sludge.

  5. OkSpecialist8402 on

    Concerning but no surprise that this is happening in Canada now.

  6. chocolate_censorship on

    How naive, or new to Islamic extremism, does a person have to be to not see Lord of the Caliphate as a precursor to mass terrorist attacks in Canada?

    Also, the attendees will have all their phones tapped for life from this point on.

    These are the slow ones that didn’t get the “you’re not at all welcome here, enjoy prison in your home country” memo.

  7. Ok-Marzipan-5648 on

    What makes it radical? Sounds like the Zionist Sun media just doesn’t want ordinary representation for Canadian Muslims.

  8. WhyModsLoveModi on

    I didn’t know the Toronto Sun did anything but opinion pieces.

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