Hokkaido – Japans nördlichste Insel

Von RobinsonRanger1945


  1. Octahedral_cube on

    I don’t know if this is your map, but I wanted to say the aesthetic choices are nice, but I don’t see why you’d use a rotated grid like that. If you’re mapping an island and you’re using a projection that is not cylindrical, center the projection on the island.

    If this is a conical projection for example put the meridian through the center of the island and the 2 standard parallels at its north and south coast.

  2. Vegetable_Good6866 on

    Its crazy how recent Japan claiming it is. Late 19th century, Sapporo is only like 150 years old. The island belongs to the Ainu.

  3. Oh look, our farm.

    As a Tokyoite, a massive proportion of Japan’s domestically grown and raised food comes from Hokkaido.

  4. ImplementResident0 on

    Lot’s of city/town names sound quite exotic, actually they come from different etymology than Nippon/Yamato/Chinese-derived toponyms on other traditional Japanese inhabited territories.

    |**City/Town Name**|**Kanji (Japanese)**|**Ainu Origin**|**Meaning (Ainu)**|
    |**Sapporo**|札幌|*Sat-poro*|”Dry, large river”|
    |**Noboribetsu**|登別|*Nupur-pet*|”Dark-colored river”|
    |**Wakkanai**|稚内|*Yam-wakka-nay*|”Cold water river”|
    |**Chitose**|千歳|*Shikot*|”Big depression or hollow”|
    |**Otaru**|小樽|*Ota-oru-nay*|”River running through sandy beach”|
    |**Asahikawa**|旭川|*Cup-pet*|”River with a confluence”|
    |**Abashiri**|網走|*Apa-sir*|”The land facing the sea”|
    |**Hakodate**|函館|*Hako-ya-ta*|”Bay shaped like a box”|
    |**Rumoi**|留萌|*Rurumopetsu*|”Shiny, calm river”|
    |**Tomakomai**|苫小牧|*Toma-oma-nai*|”Swamp with lots of reeds”|
    |**Shiraoi**|白老|*Shira-oi*|”Place of many horseflies”|
    |**Tokachi**|十勝|*Tokapci*|”Breast-shaped hill”|
    |**Muroran**|室蘭|*Mo-ru-e-ran*|”Small, sheltered bay”|
    |**Ishikari**|石狩|*Ishikar-pet*|”Greatly winding river”|
    |**Biei**|美瑛|*Pi-e*|”Place with oily or greasy soil”|
    |**Shibetsu**|標津 / 士別|*Si-pet*|”Great river”|
    |**Mashike**|増毛|*Mash-ke*|”Female marsh”|
    |**Nemuro**|根室|*Ni-moro*|”A cape with trees”|
    |**Utashinai**|歌志内|*Utas-nay*|”Rocks in the river”|
    |**Sarufutsu**|猿払|*Sar-pet*|”Reed-covered river”|
    |**Horokanai**|幌加内|*Horoka-nay*|”Forked river”|
    |**Kutchan**|倶知安|*Kut-chan*|”Bedrock river”|
    |**Monbetsu**|紋別|*Mopet*|”Quiet river”|
    |**Engaru**|遠軽|*Inkar-us*|”High lookout point”|
    |**Ebetsu**|江別|*E-pet*|”River mouth”|
    |**Teshio**|天塩|*Teshi-o*|”Salty river”|
    |**Akkeshi**|厚岸|*Atke-us-i*|”Place of oysters”|
    |**Bifuka**|美深|*Pi-puka*|”Cold water”|
    |**Shikotsu**|支笏|*Shikot*|”Large depression or valley”|
    |**Rankoshi**|蘭越|*Ran-kot*|”Deep valley”|
    |**Toyokoro**|豊頃|*Toyo-kor*|”Rich land”|
    |**Yubari**|夕張|*Yu-pari*|”Mineral spring”|

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