Der durch die Klimakrise bedingte Anstieg des Meeresspiegels wird viele der größten Ölhäfen der Welt überlasten, wie eine Studie zeigt. Die Analyse ergab, dass dreizehn der Häfen mit dem höchsten Supertankerverkehr bereits durch einen Anstieg des Meeresspiegels um einen Meter ernsthaften Schaden nehmen werden.


  1. Cresomycin on

    Rising sea levels driven by the climate crisis will overwhelm many of the world’s biggest oil ports, analysis indicates.

    Scientists said the threat was ironic as fossil fuel burning causes global heating. They said reducing emissions by moving to renewable energy would halt global heating and deliver more reliable energy.

    Thirteen of the ports with the highest supertanker traffic will be seriously damaged by just 1 metre of sea level rise, the analysis found. The researchers said two low-lying ports in Saudi Arabia – Ras Tanura and Yanbu – were particularly vulnerable. Both are operated by Aramco, the Saudi state oil firm, and 98% of the country’s oil exports leave via these ports.

    The oil ports of Houston and Galveston in the US, the world’s biggest oil producer, are also on the list, as are ports in the United Arab Emirates, China, Singapore and the Netherlands.

  2. austintracey90 on

    So what. Deeper Waters means you can allow bigger oil tankers I to the port. Just rebuild em and bam, more oil than ever.

  3. Just one of those massive glaciers breaking off from greenland or from the Antarctica ice shelf could cause this pretty quickly.

  4. electricSun2o on

    It’s going to be expensive and hard work replacing them. Building wont be as easy as it is now given the weather will be worse and everything is gonna cost more from rebar to filling the thermos. We HAVE to have ports. One way or another they will be replaced. It’s gonna be hard

  5. cartercharles on

    Can the ports be raised at all? Or do they have to be torn down and rebuilt? I wonder what the timeline and scale of the work involved is. Surely this is in the planning

  6. AllanfromWales1 on

    Surely the increase in extreme weather events is more of a risk to low-lying ports than actual sea level rise?

  7. doc_siddio_ on

    Oh yeah… theyre just gonna raise those rigs legs up cry for some more taxpayers money

  8. ImaginaryEphatant on

    Isn’t 1m of sea level rise an immense amount? NASA says that sea level is rising at about 3.4mm/year, even if out estimates are off by an order of magnitude 1m of sea level rise still seems like a long, long way off. Meanwhile, island and coastland communities like Tuvalu are already disappearing. Seems like most of us would be affected way before the oil tankers are.


  9. SceneSquare9094 on

    They will just build new ones elsewhere, and leave all the old infrastructure behind to poison the oceans more once it reaches it

  10. Severe storms are still like meh, I think the undeniable thing is immigration away from the equator.

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