Der 6. Januar war Teil eines Putschversuchs in Amerika. Lassen Sie sich von Trump und seinen Verbündeten nichts anderes erzählen


  1. partypants2000 on

    No Trump supporter has been able to genuinely explain to me how the Eastman memos did not lay out an attempt at stealing the election.

    The article doesn’t even mention them but they in my opinion are the most damning evidence Trump tried to destroy democracy.

  2. Antique-Echidna-1600 on

    Don’t trust Republicans. All they do is gaslight, obstruct, and project.

  3. Never heard of such a thing! Oh, wait:
    The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, was a failed military coup d’état in Munich, Bavaria on November 8–9, 1923:
    Leaders: Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff, and other Kampfbund leaders
    Goal: To overthrow the Weimar Republic and establish a new government based on race
    Plan: Seize control of the state government, march on Berlin, and seize military and administrative buildings
    Location: Began at the Bürgerbräu Keller in Munich
    Casualties: 16 participants died during the takeover
    The Beer Hall Putsch helped fuel Hitler’s rise to power. In his courtroom speeches, Hitler portrayed himself as a savior and patriot who wanted what was best for Germany.
    And then 10 years later Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933

  4. FanDry5374 on

    And the Supreme Court made sure it worked, slowly, but it worked.

  5. Fatticusss on

    You can’t call it an attempt any more now that he is taking office again. January 6th was the beginning of a long, slow, successful coup.

  6. appendixgallop on

    It would not have worked had it not been supported by so much of America. Sad to see, it was rather easy to pull off.

  7. invalidpassword on

    They can say whatever they want. Anyone with half a brain knows what went down.

  8. Ninevehenian on

    It’ll be a point in the history books that USA did not punish the organizers of the coup.

  9. Sector_Independent on

    Even if he did not try to do it he sure as shit didn’t try to stop it

  10. Spicy-Cheesecake7340 on

    We fixate too much on the random bozos wandering through the Capitol building and far too little on the elected bozos who were intended to be in the Capitol, but trying to convince the VP he could either toss out votes or just skip the session and let someone more amenable to tossing out votes do the job. That’s the bigger concern.

  11. “Part of” is the important piece. Jan 6 was just one facet of the conspiracy

  12. WhileNotLurking on

    It worked. Republicans learned from Russia.

    Play the long game. The western media and public are too fickle. They cry and scream about it. And when it comes to an election they sit out because they exhausted themselves and are too burnt out and fractured to actually do what matters.

    It shows Democracy has failed. It does not work because the public can’t be trusted with their own rights or freedoms. They are too easily manipulated

  13. SnooHedgehogs2050 on

    I want them released or sentence reduced. You can’t storm the White House because it’s not a joke. But then I thought of seeing a video of people complaining about a mentally ill homeless man with a machete. And they were being mean and oppressive, and I thought yeah they must think that poor man is out there to be cool.

    They should be released. I just don’t understand that whole process. And Democrats hyping it up was a bit weird. I just vote green now, which is actually more fair. Although Republicans scare me sometimes.

  14. Neat_Distance_3497 on

    There were 3 or 4 different attempts going on. Whatever Trump plan was, Navarro “Green Bay Sweep”, the rioters, the fake electors. So I guess we’ll have to wait for the book.

  15. Truemeathead on

    At this point does it even fucking matter? Dude is sauntering back in that mother fucker in two days, as the OG told Rambo “it’s over, Johnny!”

  16. Blackhole_5un on

    It laid the groundwork for their successful “campaign” in 2024. They knew what they had to do this time to hoodwink the public. Welcome to hell, no smoking please.

  17. Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and other Senators were lucky to escape with their lives. They came within seconds of an angry mob, encouraged and fed by Donald Trump, who actually believed they were the ones saving democracy. It was frightening and horrifying. And now we are putting Trump back in the White House. If you’re not frightened, you’re not paying attention.

  18. Laughing__Man on

    An insurrectionist is becoming president and he is selling America off to billionaires. We should all be protesting

  19. BisquickNinja on

    I agree! However, the five sandwich eating people of this country have voted him in for a second term…. He’s going to try his damndest to erase everything and stay for a third term. You can guarantee it.

    Also, if you think that January 6th was bad, he’s going to do something even worse.

  20. It doesn’t matter since they decided to allow the man who blatantly encouraged the behavior back into the White House.

  21. Responsible-Room-645 on

    And he got away with it. All of it. He will never see justice and the American justice system is responsible.

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