Der Versuch, religiösen Gruppen den Status der Gemeinnützigkeit zu entziehen, zieht den Zorn der Evangelikalen in Kanada auf sich


  1. pm_me_your_catus on

    We should. Spreading your religion isn’t charitable, or something society should subsidize.

    Advocating to infringe on other’s right to an abortion much more so.

  2. Former-Physics-1831 on

    If the evangelicals are upset, that’s a good indication it’s the right idea

  3. OneForAllOfHumanity on

    I’m Christian, and I support this move! Let churches earn their reduced taxes by actually contributing to charitable causes and getting the tax receipts.

  4. Master-File-9866 on

    Okay let’s just strike charitable status from evangelicals then

  5. czechyerself on

    There could not be a more likely stricken provision in a budget ever

  6. No-Contribution-6150 on

    Churches are still important social focus points. They often have non church related activities running their as well.

    Not sure why people always have a hard on for taxing them. Most likely they’ll all just sell and we’ll lose this important meeting point.

  7. I’m just learning that anti abortion organizations have charitable status. What the actual fuck?

  8. Rubydog2004 on

    It’s bizarre …..I live just outside Victoria……a church owns a waterfront camp near me. Hosts weddings etc making bank…..yet don’t pay property tax… I subsidize this “non profit” hosting waterfront wedding events at a venue I could never afford.

  9. They’re a business, tax them accordingly. If they make a charitable donation they can make a tax deduction on taxes like the rest of us.

  10. WallaceShawnStanAcct on

    All the “fiscal” Conservatives in this sub get real quiet the moment you start talking about taxing the churches.

  11. Remove this as a concept from the tax code.
    Free up all the money wasted on administrative costs and accounting so it goes to actually helping people.

    The salary of one tax specialist can feed hundreds lol.

  12. BreezyNate on

    Churches broadly speaking don’t pay taxes because they are non-profits – it’s really that simple

  13. CoyotesOnAcid on

    “Recommendation 429 calls for the government to “no longer provide charitable status to anti-abortion organizations” and Recommendation 430 wants to amend the Income Tax Act to “provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of ‘advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose,” stated the EFC.”

    Seems reasonable…

  14. “First everyone makes a big deal out of all the child raping and now they want us to pay our fair share of taxes”

  15. TemperedPhoenix on

    Is there a petition to sign or template to send MPs?

    Fully support this lol

  16. Key-Soup-7720 on

    Hmm, Gurudwara’s put a ton of resources into feeding whoever wants to come by multiple meals a day, wonder how this impacts them

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