Die GOP des Repräsentantenhauses ist seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt unregierbar



  1. Insciuspetra on

    They did pass a federally standardized technique for the gargling of Donald J. Trump’s balls.

    I’m not sure who was being too aggressive, but there must have been quite a few of them to require a law.

  2. Evening-Wind-257 on

    If the government is shut down, these guys should not get paid. In fact, the money we lose should come out of their paycheck. Each one should be fined 10,000 for each day the government is shut down. Watch how fast they pass a bill when their wallets are on the line.

  3. SeductiveSunday on

    Was just reading that much of this could be because so many Republicans get elected running for office unopposed. That’s how unyielding, fallacious, anti democracy, extremist Republicans keep getting elected. So, of course they’re going to be extremists and ungovernable when they thrive in a world where they can be extremists because they never face any real (often no) opposition.

  4. They don’t want to govern. They don’t want anyone to govern, especially the IRS and regulators. So this is their goal.

  5. *Citizens United* has caused an explosion of corruption. Republicans no longer answer to their constituents.

    Instead, they take millions from corporations to design a relentless brainwashing campaign, in cahoots with corrupt media, and lie to their constituents. They also attack education, since the propaganda only works on uneducated people.

  6. MentalTourniquet on

    Actually, infighting and stagnation is the best we can hope for the House and Senate GOP.

  7. Been at least 15 years. They completely lost their minds when Obama got elected. All of the spirit of cooperation and bipartisanship pinned up post 9/11 was thrown right out the window for pure partisanship and a pretend care about budget deficits.

  8. kinkgirlwriter on

    > It’s a mix of things we’ve talked about for years: a close margin in the House that gives the hard-right members more clout; performative destruction as a form of politics that eventually eats its own; extremism both collectively and individually that is rewarded with high media profiles and adoration from the right-wing base.

    Some years back there was a small movement to try to form a middle ground party of moderates with the goal of getting a handful of seats.

    There argument was that 5 moderates Senate seats would have tremendous power in shaping policy, because both parties would need their votes.

    At the time, I thought that made a lot of sense, but now I wonder.

    Both parties seem to find folks in the middle to be irredeemable dick bags.

    On the right, this means right wingers who brush up against the middle (Cheney and Kinzinger) are out, and the extremists are elevated.

    On the left, you see Sinima and Manchin (cleavage and coal baron) similarly pushed out, but rather than letting the farther left rise, the Dem establishment circled the wagons.

    The end result of both is the country lurching to the right.

    Would a party of folks like Cheney, Kinzinger, Sinima, and Manchin be anything but nightmare fuel? Could a party like that help tether both parties to more moderate middle ground and help weaken the more extreme on both sides?

    Probably not, but it does make me question the vilification of the middle. If that’s what’s giving MTG more power in the GOP, it’s probably a real problem.

  9. vingovangovongo on

    The only good thing is that it needs them to compromise with democrats to pass anything at all because they have like 30 members that think government should declare martial law and start imprisoning non Christian whites immediately

  10. Gemstyle96 on

    Step 1: Run for office saying the government is wasting money and doesn’t help

    Step 2: Win election and sabotage the government so it doesn’t work and waste money

    Step 3: Repeat

  11. LLCoolAids on

    Can we please increase the total number of representatives in the house? It’s supposed to be the more representational body

  12. Previous_Park_1009 on

    They govern base on what things
    they perceive groups may get.

    It’s a cold civil war with enmity

  13. The chaos is a feature not a bug. They have gerrymandered their states to produce this result.

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