[OC] Deutsche Steuerzahler: Einkommensverluste von 2024 bis 2025

Von proof_required


  1. proof_required on

    Source: [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Finanzen/comments/1hnkv4a/abgabenlaststatistik_2025_vorl%C3%A4ufig/) which references [a google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YgcxQHvMgb63o_qWvigORiHVj4oW77eT/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=104166552385307268353&rtpof=true&sd=true)

    Tools: R, data.table, ggplot2

    Context: German taxes, healthcare and social contributions have increased in 2025 which is leading to loss of post tax deduction (net) income for people in comparison to 2024.

  2. icelandichorsey on

    All figures are annual I presume, including the loss?

    The loss is due to tax changes?

  3. Pippin1505 on

    At minimum this require more precise units :
    Vertical is monthly or yearly ?

    Given the disparity in scales , a % would probably be more meaningful.
    A €450/month loss at 60k hurts more than a €800/month at 120k

  4. Another chart could show on the y-axis the net salary as a percentage of the gross salary, and then the chart would include two lines, one for 2024 and one for 2025. Or the y-axis could be in absolute amount instead of percentage, and then the vertical distance between the two lines would show that is shown in OP. That would be a more complete chart.

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