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The fact that many members hold high positions in law enforcement, military, and government is troubling. Not sure how you succesffuly combat this if these people are embedded in the American Governance Structure.
American Exceptionalism is the poisonous ideology that binds all these cretins. Nationalism, specifically.
They believe that “the law,” the military and enforcement are somehow these functioning apparatus to “protect our way of life.”
What they never stop to consider is that the American Way is the capitalist ruling elite’s smokescreen so that they can keep stealing through monopoly, imperialism and the “free market,” while the dupes wave the flag and go after the commies, professors, gays, migrants, etc. Protecting the ruling class unwittingly, as the Marine general Smedley Butler famously wrote a century ago.
It’s a twisted deal, and they’re being had.
If you are looking for a media outlet to support in the wake of the fall of the Washington Post and the flaccid new York times, you could do worse than supporting pro Publica.
Some of those who work forces
Are the same that burn crosses.
This was an amazing read and really felt like a novel. This guy did something insane and managed to not be corrupted by the forces around him AND he has the introspection to be uncomfortable about the skills he used to get to the position he was in?! What an interesting character…wish I could’ve met him.
Pretty sure we already knew white supremacy already infested the system
Let me guess: racism?
This is exactly why ProPublica is superior to all other news sources.
ProPublica gave this guy a chance and heard him out while all the other media that he contacted just ignored him.
Just read this. Maybe I am alone in this but I’m conflicted on this guys intentions. Did he really go into III and Oath Keepers as a mole? Or did he suddenly have a conscience in the wake of what they were up too? Seems like he is trying to create a narrative to help cope. At least he kept notes I guess. Crazy times
I’m only on the first few paragraphs, but I’m super pissed this story (which begins in 2023) WASN’T FUCKING MENTIONED BEFORE THE FUCKING ELECTION!!!!!!! IDIOTS!
(Finished reading….7 days. Seven fucking days before the election is when he comes out. WTF, over.)
Follow the banker’s boxes full of classified documents in the basement bathroom.
some of these ‘American Militias’ are designated as terrorist militant organizations in other countries.
and in the US they’re all operating illegally. every militia in every state must be sanctioned in writing by that state’s governor. so these ‘paramilitary groups’ should not exist and if they weren’t in the pockets of right-wing politicians in all the states and rural areas where they maintain a presence they’d be ordered to disband.
for context there was a terrorist bombing of a huge granite monument in north Georgia, the Georgia Guidestones they were called. it was at night, caught on camera, it happened on government property and inside of hours it was all torn down and made quiet. no one was ever arrested and it’s referred to as vandalism – it was 20 feet tall and weighed 237,746 pounds and ‘vandals’ destroyed it with a bomb.
anyone care to guess if maybe one of these militant groups is responsible? THREE PERCENTERS maybe? who else would even be able to get the materials to make a bomb with enough energy to destroy a granite monument on government property in a small north Georgia smack in the middle of Trump country? and then they just walk away from it without anyone ever being arrested.
Probably a bunch of racism (I didn’t read the article)
If they can function with this high level of organization and secrecy, they have some smarts, they are just hate-filled and easily manipulated. Good for this man to have the bravery to document and publicize it.
>Williams believes extremists will try to murder him after this story is published. And if they fail, he thinks he’ll “live to see the United States cease to exist.” He identifies with the violent abolitionist John Brown, who tried to start a slave revolt two years before the American Civil War and was executed. Williams thinks he himself may not be seen as such a radical soon, he told me. “I wonder if I’m maybe a little too early.”