Facebook- und Instagram-Anzeigen verbreiten als Autoteile getarnte Schalldämpfer für Waffen. Ein Netzwerk von Facebook-Seiten bewirbt „Kraftstofffilter“, die eigentlich als Schalldämpfer dienen sollen und durch US-Recht stark reguliert sind. Sogar US-Militärbeamte sind besorgt.
Out of all gun laws, the silencer law is by far the dumbest. If you’ve ever used one you know they aren’t making anything “silent”, it’s still very clearly a gunshot, even with subsonic ammunition. Just make the fucking things legal and be done with it, no point in creating felons over THIS.
So when the next shooting happens when will we start blaming the tech companies and taking them to court?
How many times have algorithms ruined a marriage, made someone unalive themselves, shooting spree, etc?
When will we start calling out the elephant in the room.
Most of these social media apps primed us for apps that do sports gambling. Does YouTube get in trouble for promoting it on every video/podcast? Of course not.
Damn that’s crazy! …
I promise you “US Military Officials” are absolutely not concerned about somebody using an oil filter as a silencer in the domestic US. They might get a quote from some random person who might be in uniform somewhere, but C5ISR is not hosting working groups to tackle this issue lol.
Everyone thinks silencers are some magic thing like the movies. They absolutely are not. They are better called suppressors. They can reduce the decibel level of a gun report to a point where it no longer causes hearing loss (but absolutely can still be heard) and make them harder to pinpoint from farther away. But doing that well requires a very well made unit, they’re way heavier than most folks realize, add a maintenance chore, and can be unreliable if not well made and cared for.
This article wanders into clickbait pretty heavily. I’m WAY more worried about how easily children gain access to firearms (on a seemingly daily basis) in the US than some yahoos adapting oil filters in ways that don’t really do much anyway.
Can we also talk about the full-auto sears for AR-15’s sold as keychains on Amazon?
Yeah, governments do usually get scared when their servants find ways to work around their laws. Also, these fuel filters and solvent traps typically can’t be used as is. The end cap and one baffle is usually not drilled through, so they don’t function until you bore the final holes.
High CPMs though!
using oil and fuel filters as suppressors is as old as the technology itself. this isn’t new. Within the last 6 months, the waiting period for a legal tax stamp (to own a suppressor) went from about a year to around a week. People are moving past the illegal suppressors and going to legal ones now.
One of you should order one and tell us how long it takes before the ATF shows up asking about it.
Should have marketed them as “mufflers”. 😉
These are called condensate traps, as I recall, and have been around for years. They are sold under the context of cleaning the gun, but really the intent is to drill a hole so they can be used as a suppressor. Once the owner drills the hole it becomes an illegal silencer.
A reminder that silencer’s ability to deaden the sound so it’s very quiet really only work on subsonic bullets…which pretty much limits them to pistols and rifles with limited range.
No need to clutch pearls.
Silencers become magically 100% legal after you pay a $200 tax.
I saw these ads circulating at least 5 years ago. I always thought they were run by feds or local cops. 🤷♀️
They took down the silk road dude for shit like this.
The reason why silencers are a NFA item is because the US wanted to stop illegal hunting in federal land during the great depression. The use of silencers rarely makes a gun hearing safe. It is definitely not the muffled sound you hear in movies.
While in some European countries it is illegal to own a silencer, it is actually mandatory in other countries when hunting in certain areas, or in some ranges that have neighbors nearby. The European laws against noise are quite strict, but in other cases it is about not disturbing wild life too much.
I was advertised cocaine and mdma spray on Facebook by a company registered as selling children’s toys last week.
Absolutely bonkers.
Reported it, fb did nothing.
But I make a 3D neon sign of a penis in blender and comment it as a joke and end up getting banned.
And weed grinders are marketed for “herbs” and garden.
From the editor: Please only read the headline and be scared, then subscribe! /s
Lets outlaw car mufflers because that Ford F150 is certainly a stealth weapon without being heard ten blocks away.
“Even US military officials are concerned.” What a joke of a statement! Who the fuck cares about the military’s opinion? This isn’t a fascist state (yet).
Ali-express and temu sell camping storage tins that would probably work as a suppressor if you drilled and tapped one hole and added baffles. Infact you could probably get a maglite flashlight to work as a suppressor in a similar manner.
Heavily regulated because they didn’t want the poors poaching for food during the depression when the NFA was passed. But if you were rich it’s ok since you could afford the tax. Funny how that works
Anyone with a little ingenuity can make a limited use silencer. And if you want a silencer for criminal purpose government gun laws won’t stop you. And as we see from the headlines guns are no longer the weapon of choice for mass casually events.
Most are ATF honeypots. Order one and see who shows up. But yes, they have been advertising Solvent Traps and Oil Filter adapters for a long time.
If I were to ever see an ad like this I’d just assume it was planted there by the feds.
Do you guys remember when the Trump boys invested in a silencer company and then tried to push for silencers to protect hearing when Trump first became president in 2016?
Those ads are almost certainly atf honey pots. You order one of those kits and instead of the meeting the postman, you meat bubba.
Did anyone else assume these “fuel filters” were all just the ATF trying to get easy arrests?
They’re not regulated at all.
There’s a $200 government bribe however, that you can pay to preserve your hearing.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was another form of “hybrid warfare” being pushed by another unfriendly country, likely trying to take advantage of our gun culture to sow chaos
That being said, suppressors actually make guns less dangerous: lower velocity and protect hearing
Fuel filters have been used as hobbyist silencers for decades now. This is nothing new. It’s just an indicator Facebook does jack shit about vetting their advertisers because, surprise, they only care about the profit and couldn’t care any less about their customers.
There should be no laws regarding the restriction of the use of safety devices. Guns are louder than the safe hearing levels, especially indoors. If you want to, you can make a maglite a suppressor for expanding gases. A tube is a tig welder and some frost plugs, and you’re not an immediate assassin, lol.
Also all those ads are only prompting cause the user looked up guns or suppressors. It’s your own doing that brings that on most times. Stop searching for gun stuff.