Apples Vision Pro war ein hässlicher Idiot – „Als Banker und VCs das Silicon Valley übernahmen, schufen sie eine Kluft zwischen Marketing und Realität oder zwischen Dekoration und Innovation.“
There’s No Dancing Around It: Apple’s Vision Pro Was An Ugly Dud
By Karl Bode:
*[…] When bankers and VCs took over Silicon Valley they created a chasm between marketing and reality, or set decoration and genuine innovation. A lot of these folks no longer care if a tech product is genuinely good or if it actually improves anything so long as you can convince people that it does.*
*And with an increasingly feckless, access-obsessed, badly-run technology press, that’s often within reach.*
*Seriously, the gushing press coverage of Vision Pro was just fucking silly. A lot of unskeptical gibberish by outlets trying to kiss the ring for access. Words and phrases like “home run” and “revolutionary” were bandied around like confetti.*
*[…] I have three different major headsets. But the tech just isn’t cooked enough to warrant the kind of hype Meta or Apple VR products receive. Maybe someday, somebody will develop the perfect, seamless, almost magical experience that matches the hype in this field, but if I had to wager, when that product comes it won’t come from Apple or Meta (Apple and Meta will probably buy them, though).*
*Apple die hards generally got defensive when anyone suggested Vision Pro was a dud from the start. They’d usually say something about how “this was just a prototype” and “prototypes are supposed to be expensive,” and something actually useful might be coming down the road several years from now.*
*And that might actually be true. Maybe Apple turns around and leverages the lessons of this dud to create something actually useful and affordable.*
*But that still doesn’t mean this wasn’t a wildly misrepresented dud from the start. And it also doesn’t excuse a technology press that repeatedly tripped over its own ass to deliver gushing praise for an undercooked product.*
Exactly, all style, no substance
i always assumed apple expected it to be a financial failure and sell a very limited number. if not, they were certainly deluded by their own hype.
Yeah, seems like they focused too much on the flash and forgot about the actual utility. Innovation’s gotta be more than just looking cool.
The Vision Pro failed because it didn’t have a USB port. Nobody wants to buy a VR headset that can’t be used for gaming.
it doesn’t matter as long as it can hype your stonks
I kind of disagree. I thought the product looked super neat and would have loved to dry it as a workspace, however the price point was ridiculous.