Sprachkarte von Afrika

Von LazerScorpion


  1. reptilian_overlord01 on

    Good start, You’re only missing about 800 with less than 4 million. And the languages chopped out of later language groups, like Tonga/Tsonga/Xitsonga from Shangaan.

    This map doesn’t work because national borders break tribal linguistic territories across Africa.

  2. I know Swahili mostly is a lingua franca but is it really only spoken natively at the coast? In my experience, almost everyone in Tanzania speaks the language.

  3. AlgerianTrash on

    An estimated 1/3 or the population of Algeria speak Berber. And arabic is over-represented in the south of the country considering it’s really sparsely populated

  4. Fula/peul/Fulbe/ Fulani is in northern Nigeria too. I think I’m correct in saying it’s also spoken in parts of Sudan and chad.

  5. tolkienfan2759 on

    You seem to be claiming there are no native speakers of Portuguese, but the Wikipedia article on the topic says there are 17 million of them. What’s up with that?

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