Durchquert Ihr Land die Tropen oder den Äquator?

Von Potential_Leave2979


  1. DPRKis4Lovers on

    TIL that the the Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn are latitudes, not regions above and below the equator

  2. Primal_Pedro on

    “Does your country go through the tropics OR the equator?” 

    -Brazil: yes

  3. Crane_1989 on

    Brazil is the only one that goes through both the equator and a tropic

  4. Chaotic424242 on

    Why didn’t you include the US? Hawaii is a US state located in the tropics.

  5. Then there are countries like Equatorial Guinea, France and Norway, that are in both sides of the equator, but not *on* the equator.

  6. penguin_torpedo on

    Damn equator really threads the needle between Peru and Venezuela

  7. Hairy_Ghostbear on

    Crazy how the Tropic of Cancer touches Vietnam, but not Laos

    Edit: after a quick search, it seems that it doesn’t pass through Vietnam, but several km’s north of it, so this is an error I guess?

  8. odysseushogfather on

    missed bahamas (cancer) and France/French Polynesia (capricorn)

  9. If you’re white, dont expose yourself to the sun in the areas of cancer, or else you’ll get cancer

  10. flyinggazelletg on

    Surprised France doesn’t have some island somewhere where the line cuts through. Also thought the US did as well

  11. IgnatiusJReilly2601 on

    Equatorial Guinea not being on the equator is a source of constant amusement for me.

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