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His name is Tim apple
All the trillion dollar corporation CEOs are donating money and having one-to-one dinners with him. Hello oligarchy.
All of these CEOs are not kissing the ring; they’re sucking the mushroom.
Yeah, the “inauguration” That’s where it will be going, and fully accounted for, the $100’s of millions spent evident in the high production values and generational talent on hand.
“What’s the point of ‘fuck you’ money if you’re not going to say ‘fuck you’?” -Sam Harris
Apple will be fine. Tell This asshole To fuck off.
You can just call it a bribe, why sugarcoat it at this point?
those are just new words for bribery, kissing the a** for the support
Sad to see probably the most powerful gay man on earth bend the knee to a douchebag that wants to limit his rights.
Absolutely pathetic. Our country is fucked, I’m so over this shit
I hope Tim Cook is happy about donating a million bucks to a rapist. Me, if I had a million to give away, I’d donate it exclusively to non-rapists. But that’s me.
Fealty to the king.
Fucking disgusting. All these fuckers lining up to kiss the ring.
Yes, bend the knee Cook. Kneel before the might of the capitalist gods you serve and know true freedom was but one of the costs of climbing that corporate ladder.
Tim should take all that money he’s accumulated running the biggest company in the world, and use it to buy a spine.
I guess everyone thinks they have to ~~kiss the ring~~ lick the balloon knot now.
> Apple CEO Tim Cook ‘donates’ $1 million to Trump ‘inauguration’
I’m trading in my Apple phone
Just jumping on the bribery band wagon so they don’t get left out.
I forgot the term for when a head of state shakes down all the CEOs for money . . .
WE the PEOPLE are the ones they should be afraid of. I’m tired.
my question is why does Trump need billions for his swearing in?
Do it like everyone else and get to work
They will make it a damn party
Good luck at boycotting EVERY FUCKING COMPANY EVER. Smh.
This freaking clown of a walking clearance violation is selling our country, and there is nothing anyone can do.
I have no idea why an inauguration is something you donate to.
All these multi-millionaires and billionaires throwing money at Trump and slithering to Florida to kiss his ass show this country is irreparably broken. They have too much power and influence already yet are willing to debase themselves to get even more. What pathetic men.
All these tech people would have donated to a Kamala inauguration had she won, for the same reasons.
The rich defending the ones who will keep them in power. Nothing out the ordinary for the red party…
The thing is, as bribes go, this will end up being pretty cheap. Four years of not having to worry about antitrust investigations is a pretty good investment.
Yes, it looks bad and we wish it weren’t so. But these big corporations know that Trump can be bought and it doesn’t actually take much.
Tim Cook
has boarded the gravy train
Government sanctioned extortion.
The state shouldn’t even accept money for an inauguration. It’s a political event, not a wedding, just do the thing and move on. It’s taking money for “these things” that ducks up the country.
Steve Jobs deserved his fair share of criticisms, but he would have never done that shit.
These MF ers are paying Trump to stay off their ass !
Donates? Can we just call it a bribe. Because it’s a bribe, but somehow, legal?
Tim Apple Pay’s tribute to corrupt dictator