„Das amerikanische Volk hat nicht dafür gestimmt, was zum Teufel das ist“, warnt der Demokrat im Repräsentantenhaus | Der Abgeordnete Jim McGovern sagte, das Regelpaket der Republikaner im Repräsentantenhaus biete „den bisher klarsten Einblick in ihre Agenda für die nächsten zwei Jahre“.
Well never fear, the republicans just like democrats won’t hold together and they will have to compromise to get anything passed
They did.
They didn’t vote for Elon Musk either, yet, here we are. Is this guy really just now learning that the American People have literally zero influence on what their government does? I mean, they fucking studied this shit. They always do what the money tells them to do. Votes don’t mean shit.
The American public voted for unadulterated idiocy, and they shall have their fill (and more)
Yes they did
This is exactly what the people voted for, whether they realized it or not we had spent the last 3 months warning them
The majority of Americans didn’t vote at all, and over half of the ones who did vote *did* vote for this. Our country is fucked.
The GOP wants to charge for this tax based video because…:
Uhhh I’d like to see his train of logic where people voting for the GOP doesn’t actually mean voting for their agenda.
Yes we fucking did. Democrats need to stop saying this shit. The message is not Americans were tricked, or Americans didn’t understand. The message is you fucking choose this so live with the consequences and make a better choice next time.
Yes we voted for this. Remember reddit is the place that thought Bernie would win and aoc will be the next president. Delusion and conspiracies run this place
We’ve seen this playbook before. The GOP will spend about 14 months playing scorched earth politics. Then mid-spring 2026 they’ll realize that people hate what they’ve done. Then they’ll switch to make it look like they’ve wanted to work in a bipartisan manner and blame the Dems for not enacting beneficial laws. Plus they’ll start to make all kinds of promises because the ones who aren’t in safe districts will need to save their ass. If at least one chamber doesn’t flip in 2026 then we are in for this mess for the long haul.
The American people largely didn’t pay any attention to who they were voting for. While I hate that we all have to suffer the consequences, I really will relish in watching the communities who voted for him get burned to the ground when his policies take effect.
People may not have voted for it but there were certainly enough that refused to vote against it and they’re just as culpable.
We. All. Saw. This. Coming.
Yes republican politicians only care to pass tax breaks for the wealthy and cut social benefits that help those in poverty. That’s it, but I understand the republican base voted for Trump with hopes in lower grocery prices and mass deportation. I’m sure many are realizing these things will not happen after learning about H1B visas. The republican party does not care about the republican base or anybody that isn’t a millionaire/billionaire. Good luck and take care.
The fault lies with the American people who lost the ability to discern truth from lies, the ability to see that decades of right wing media was propaganda at best, downright brainwashing at worst. Many were swept up in a cult frenzy enough to set aside the fact that their idol was an extremely flawed sociopath and grifter. What other former president has repeatedly denigrated America? What other former president has hawked merchandise? Forgive us founding fathers, forgive us democracy, we’ve lost sight of what makes America America. We used to be about a push towards something, like equality, diversity, tolerance, and the will of the people. But now those things are supplanted by forces that use racism, intolerance, and the will of the most vocally divisive to gain and hold absolute power for the benefit of the most wealthy. They gain and we lose. And that’s that. We can resist but it’s going to be a rough and wicked couple of years until the midterms.
Right wingers used to admire John Wayne, now they have been bamboozled to believe that the only one who can ‘fix’ the country is a villain from a John Wayne movie.
Sure they did. Fox “News” lied to them, telling them they were voting to lower the cost of eggs. What they were actually voting for were tax cuts for the wealthiest and benefit cuts for themselves.
I beg to differ. The electorate are going to get ***precisely*** what they voted for, good and hard.
Ponder for a moment on these 2 things:
*ban birthright citizenship* and *increase h1b visas*
Let those 2 things sink in together and marinate for a moment on what that means.
Republicans want to rule, not represent.
Hold up.. you guys have a representative named “McGovern”? That’s incredible
Anything for a free ride … sell off clean drinking water so a few ppl family can have a free ride
“On behalf of the billionaires, I’d like to thank the poors for our tax cuts. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.”
Good thing all the MAGA warriors are starting to blow themselves up in Musk trucks.
Counterpoint: they did vote for this crap
The American people did vote for it though, or sat at home and did nothing to stop it.
Yes, yes they fucking did. If you were able to vote, and did anything besides vote for Harris, you very clearly did vote for this.
This is what the vast majority of Americans voted for. Exactly this. Don’t go bitching now.