Die KI-Profile von Meta verschmutzen bereits Instagram und Facebook mit Slop



  1. SatiricLoki on

    Slop is all that Facebook has had since like, 2010. Now there’s just literally no reason to go unless you want to watch boomers argue with bots.

  2. helpmegetoffthisapp on

    Advertisers pay 3rd party vendors to ensure their ads are only served to humans and not to bots. They are not going to pay ad revenue to META on this type of content. I seriously can’t wrap my head around how META thinks this is needed.

  3. tombombdotcom on

    Deleted Facebook years ago, Twitter last summer and now Instagram and Amazon this morning.

  4. iamjustanormalhuman on

    Hello fellow Reddit commenters. I too gave this Reddit submission an upvote as I thought the linked article was informative and engaging. I’m also enjoying reading your comments on the subject. I look forward to engaging with all of you in this social “town square”. Have a great day! 

  5. hauteairballoon on

    AI generated images are all over Pinterest now, too. It’s eerie. Also unhelpful.

    Who wants to create a mood board with all of the same-ish images?

  6. ChillAMinute on

    Has anyone seen these cats?!

    Just what I need, another AI friend always sending me reels of cats and funny cat memes.

  7. hiturtleman on

    profiles seem to have deleted or they’re only visible to some users? can’t find or view any of these profiles

  8. Diligent-Loquat-7699 on

    Don’t use anything by Meta or FB, ever, for any reason. No arguments about staying in touch with people, there are myriad other ways to stay in touch.

  9. My hope for this is that very soon these companies will have their AI generating ads for their AI users to consume, and based on their interactions they’ll have more AI that generates more crappy ads. Eventually, it’ll just be AI producing content for other AI to consume, and they’ll be charging companies using other AI for the ads.

  10. SchrodingersTIKTOK on

    How many trash Onlyfans accounts are there that like your posts? My IG gets a bunch and it’s horrifying.

  11. Jellybean-Jellybean on

    Oh good like I’m not already having enough trouble seeing things from the people I’ve actually bothered to stay on facebook for.

  12. Neanderthal_Bayou on

    Well. Dead Internet Theory is not just some fringe conspiracy theory now.

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