Kanada stoppt Bewerbungen für eine dauerhafte Aufenthaltspatenschaft für Eltern und Großeltern



  1. i_8---D_ur_mum on

    Why is this even allowed? Aren’t we importing people from India to offset the burden of old people? How in the hell would importing dinosaurs help? 

  2. imfar2oldforthis on

    If this were the government all along they’d be killing it in the polls.

    That being said, 20k parents and grandparents is nuts. Lady at work was a PR and just got her citizenship and her and her brother were able to bring most of their extended family over the past 10 years that they’ve been here. I didn’t realize PRs were able to sponsor parents and grandparents and it blew me away when she was telling us how it works. Her parents and both sets of granparents haven’t worked a day since arriving in Canada.

  3. AdmirableWishbone911 on

    I imagine these people often due to their age can put a strain on the healthcare system.

  4. doing_what_i_can on


    >After several months of asking the Quebec government in vain to increase its family reunification capacity, Federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller says it’s time for his government to pull rank. 

    >Miller says his ministry will begin issuing permanent residence permits to those looking to unite with their loved ones in Quebec, regardless of the province’s self-imposed cap on applicants, which he describes as “artificially low.” 

    >”We’re talking about people who are husbands, wives, parents, grandparents, who are waiting unsuccessfully to be reunited with their families in Quebec,” said Miller in an interview with Radio-Canada, calling the backlog a humanitarian crisis.

    >”For me … it’s a question of social justice.”

  5. Thousands if not millions of non deserving people have already got pr under this sponsorship. Even if it’s been stopped now, the damage is already been done.

  6. backlight101 on

    Hard to believe this was ever seen as a good idea.

    People that have never contributed to the country coming in retirement, who will pay little to no tax, but consume the services commensurate to their age.

  7. And the NDP wants to expand family reunification. All 3 parties are so screwed.

  8. “We need to import people to support our social services.”

    -Imports other countries old people to drain resources.

    “Why isn’t this working?”

    Gee, I fucking wonder. Federal Liberals can’t leave fast enough.

  9. ZestyCrackpipe on

    I’m surprised they’re pausing it at all. You’d think they’d be going full scorched earth by now.

  10. I sympathize that people want their parents, grandparents in Canada but it just isn’t sustainable. The healthcare system is already strained, Ive heard (and I admit this is anecdotal) the parents/grandparents often have language barriers so they can’t communicated with doctors etc, further straining the system.

  11. throwawayjkdismymain on

    So you’re telling me the government is actually taking steps to try and fix the problems they caused???

  12. life_line77 on

    The fact that this was ever an option is such bullshit. An older parent or elderly grandparent contributes zero to our systems and economy, but certainly takes a lot.

  13. Superb-Respect-1313 on

    Well that might be a good idea wouldn’t you think!! About time.

  14. SlapShotRick on

    Why is an Elderly Canadian that has paid into the system their whole life competing with someone who just got here a month ago for healthcare?

  15. Small-Ad-7694 on

    I’m should have never existed. Full stop.

    “Sposored” or not, I will have a really hard time ever believing that these elders were not taking spots, care time and ressources otherwise supposed to go for people who had contributed their whole life.

    Leaving stuff and people behind is part of moving your life accross the globe.

  16. divvyinvestor on

    Or allow them to come but zero rights to free healthcare, OAS, and any other benefits. You’re there to reside and spend money. No benefits.

  17. PurchaseGlittering16 on

    Good. Our healthcare system is already overburdened, the last thing we need to do is bring in a bunch of elderly people who are going to take up more beds and collect OAS.

  18. Background_Panic3475 on

    About f’ing time. The time for charity is over. We need to build capacity/

  19. Sponsoring parents and grandparents has been paused since Covid. So what’s new here?

  20. As per the 2021 census, one quarter (25.6%) of Canadian citizens were not born in Canada.

    As a comparison, that number is 13.9% for our neighbours to the south (2022 census). Curious what that number would be today thanks to Marc Miller. This does not take into account non-permant residents (i.e. refugees, foreign exchange students etc.)

  21. blownhighlights on

    This was posted almost an hour ago, I expect the pause is over by now.

  22. SwordfishFickle5786 on

    I hold resentment for Canadians who didn’t grow up in Mississauga or Brampton in the 2000s. You all only care about this issue now because it’s affecting you. Before, you were all happy to carry on pretending everything was hunkydory burying your heads in the sand. This is not a new issue.

  23. Harper created the 10 year super visa for this very reason.

    Elderly parents/grandparents absolutely should not be granted PR.

  24. urmomsexbf on

    I know of atleast three people who brought their parents in and they are eligible for pension straight up boosting their household income 🤡

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