Nach draußen gehen und die Sonne genießen ist schlecht, sagt „Studieren“

Von Charming-Guarantee21


  1. Charming-Guarantee21 on

    SS: So these studies say eating healthy means eating candy, fasting? Nope that’s gonna give you a heart attack. Working out? You must be an extreme right winger. Now being outside and getting some sunshine increases your risk of heart disease. Is anyone seriously buying what these sociopaths say anymore? They want us indoor and fat

    Link to the article:

  2. lightweightdtd on

    maybe they’re trying to make us vitamin d deficient so we’re lethargic, our sleep patterns get worse, our overall health gets worse. to me this seems like propaganda

  3. “They” need to come up with reason for why people are dying of “sudden:

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