Mark Carney ruft Dutzende liberale Abgeordnete an, während er über eine Kandidatur für die Führung nachdenkt


  1. Stunned-By-All-Of-It on

    I guess the job of Captain Of The Titanic must have already been filled.
    Happy to see him go down with the ship.

  2. PineBNorth85 on

    Surprised he’d be interested now. So late in the game where there is no turning it around. Unless of course he thinks the Libs would give him a second shot.

  3. HonestOpinion80 on

    The palace intrigue deepens… the plot thickens.

    I wonder how women across Canada will vote when they see that Freeland was passed over for Carney because she wouldn’t fall on her sword quietly.

  4. Domainsetter on

    So I think he is the only guy Trudeau would name as an interim leader and go into an election as a leader.

  5. Is being completely out of touch and unable to read the room now a pre-req for becoming LPC leader? So often it seems like these people are living on a different planet.

  6. Johnny_Pigeon on

    He definitely has my vote. Way better than anyone else in the playing field right now and well-needed fresh, new blood.

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