Poilievre sagt, man erwarte nicht, dass Probleme „sofort“ nach der Wahl behoben würden



  1. MDLmanager on

    Supposed to say this after the election, like how trump admitted he can’t actually lower grocery prices.

  2. KonkeyDong66 on

    It will take at least a decade to fix 1/2 of the mess the Liberals made.

  3. RevolutionCanada on

    That’s funny.
    Trump says he can fix things on Day 1.
    Why are we electing such a comparative slouch?

    Let’s end First Past the Post and see what Canadians really want from their government!

  4. True. You need to learn how to handle an axe before you can use it to axe the tax. Given he only does woodwork for fun and never worked with his hands, this could take a while

    Edit: grammar osti

  5. UnionGuyCanada on

    2, maybe three terms. The first one will be massive cuts for rich people and coming up with ways to generate more money for the rich. 2nd term will be selling off public assets to balance the now out of control budget. Thrown out then to sit on some boards or a prime seat at the IDU to show the rest of the world how to keep helping the rich.

  6. Biggandwedge on

    Or at all. In fact, expect things to get worse over the next 8 years as we cut programs to enrich the business owners and elites even more. Cue the two party cycle, part deux. 

  7. doogie1993 on

    Don’t think I’ve ever seen any politician start making excuses before they even win lol. Good thing for him conservatives will eat it up just like the rest of his BS

  8. HotbladesHarry on

    If you think that the current ongoing right-wing rug pull South of the border is funny, Just wait until Pierre gets in power here in Canada and he juices immigration and makes housing more expensive. It’s going to be absolutely hilarious. Pierre Pollievre: Friend of the working man LOL.

  9. Wild, from what all his commercials state in highly oversimplified terms, this should be relatively easy. Axe the tax. Fix the budget. Stop the crimes. Build the homes. Simple, right? Easy as 1-2-3-4.

    I haven’t seen any of his plans to accomplish this or ensure party’s work together — and how government will function without a majority if he doesn’t get one (for some reason). Presuming he does get a majority (as polling would have us believe) it boggles the mind why anything he’s given as an example — foreign aid, “corporate welfare”, or “spending on consultants” isn’t directly under his immediate purview; he says this while calling lobbyists idiots and again oversimplifying how obviously easy it is for the government to enact change. Why senate would, for whatever reason, hold his Bills back. Of course, municipal affairs will stand in the way, as will Provincial, which is immediately why you cannot overpromise to affect anything outside of Federal responsibility without one hell of a massive carrot to dangle. Perhaps Mr. Poilievre misspoke — or more accurately is hoping to pull the wool over would-be voters’ eyes.

    Pierre might be right to his supporters: don’t big results, but for different reasons than this meek weirdo would have you believe. He’s clearly not motivated to be the change everyone craves and is already trying to manage expectations over the populist fervor his team has stoked.

    Coincidentally, we saw similarly incredible, large promises from a now currently hated sitting PM… history never repeats itself, does it? While we’re stuck holding the bag? Couldn’t be.

  10. thebriss22 on

    PP has been an MP since he’s 21 year old and has presented a grand total of … (Look at notes ) 2 laws at the Chamber of Common… If you expect him to change things , I have a bridge to sell you in Venezuela lol

  11. So basically all that thing about you being able to fix things and bring rather immediate change was what exactly?

  12. turtlecrossing on

    As someone who does not Like PP, and generally does not align with conservative politics, this was a solid interview.

    Still light on policy specifics, and PP is still an arrogant dick, but all the leaders are, and his criticisms seem pretty valid given our current circumstances.

    I doubt this interview will reach many non-conservatives in its long form, but the clips are every where and put him in a decent light

  13. newaccountnewme_ on

    Ya this is honest and refreshing to hear a politician admit. Canada has serious underlying problems that will take a long time to fix. Polievre is completely right here

  14. AprilsMostAmazing on

    pp already using Trump lines before the election even has taken place. Wait till CPC fan base realizes how many trade deals have carbon tax as part of the agreement. Wait till CPC fan base sees starving local governments from funding will not increase housing. Wait till CPC fan base sees how education & healthcare are all on provincial government

  15. Don’t expect anything he claims will be fixed, He’s been lying about everything since he started his rage farming. What you can expect is the majority of the Canadian people will get hurt and some pretty devastating. He is only in politics for himself and has no clue how real Canadiens survive.

  16. I don’t expect him or his party to fix anything at all! We’re just going to keep vacillating between two parties with no real interest in fixing the problem until we all die poor.

  17. mightyneonfraa on

    Well, yeah. Whether or not you think he’ll do better or worse anybody who expects day one changes has the mind of a child.

  18. We shouldn’t expect anything to be fixed. Housing will continue to remain high.
    Energy prices will remain high.
    Major projects such as pipelines will continue to face barriers from concept to construction.
    Inflation will remain where it is.
    The economy won’t be picking up steam.

    I’d be surprised if he manages to remove the carbon tax.

  19. thendisnigh111349 on

    You have to go back to the Great Depression to find the last time a party was voted out after a single term in power with a majority government, so unless PP really, really sucks big time, I don’t see his political fortunes completely souring by 2029. He’ll definitely lose seats but will probably still keep a majority or at least a strong minority.

  20. Threeboys0810 on

    He is being realistic. It took the liberals nearly a decade. It may take multiple decades to reverse the damage.

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