Ich benutzte mein neues Teleskop, als ich dieses aus Versehen mitnahm. Was ist das???



  1. flotsam_knightly on

    ~~A clue that you need to read the instructions first?~~

    Edit: I’ve been told I was being unkind. It is an out of focus light source.

  2. There is a knob somewhere that you should turn to focus the telescope. It is not a zoom, through people sometimes mistake it for one because blurry blobs get bigger when they turn it. It’s not actually zooming, it’s just getting blurrier. Turn it in the direction that makes things as small as possible.

  3. medialoungeguy on

    You looked too deep and discovered the forbidden mandlebrot portal.

  4. Mindless_Consumer on

    Smudge on the lens?! I know the difference between a man threatening me and a smudge on the lens!

  5. backtotheland76 on

    Looks to me like some sort of cocoon. Now, whether it’s terrestrial or not I can’t say

  6. Looks like a smudge…. It’s probably just a smudge…. Definitely not a man on the moon!

  7. Head_Acanthaceae_766 on

    A tear in the fabric of the Universe. The end of all things.

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