Republikaner schaffen es nicht, ihren Sprecher bei der ersten Abstimmung zu wählen: „Wir sind nicht bereit zu regieren“


  1. Electronic_Elk3443 on

    Understatement of the century. They always seem fully prepared to rule, but incapable of governing.

  2. tommyjaspers on

    Those 3 who voted for others are made to look like FOOLS by the 6 who didn’t dare initially vote for others on the first call, only to buckle in their MAGA boots once they were called on again.

    Such weak

    Many pathetic

    Much groveling

  3. DeterminedThrowaway on

    “We’re not ready to govern” might be the only honest thing these clowns have ever said

  4. MuttTheDutchie on

    Republican supporters get big mad that were all just laughing, but like, what else can we do? We told them that this is exactly what the result would be if we elected these idiots into power again.

  5. Remember they can’t certify the election next week until they elect a Speaker.

    Let this shit burn. We deserve this.

  6. fetusfrolix on

    This isn’t true. He did win on the first vote. Rules allowed for vote changes which occurred.

  7. bluewingless on

    They are the jesters in the kings court. Offering distraction while the fiefdom pisses all over the people. Are you not entertained?

  8. Friendly reminder that if this happened to Pelosi even once, the mainstream media would be expecting her resignation within the hour.

  9. One_Dirty_Russian on

    >We’re Not Ready to Govern

    … Anybody who has been vaguely paying attention anywhere in the last 45 years is already keenly aware.

  10. This headline is incorrect. Johnson will stay Speaker.

    Edit: He won in the first round. The headline is premature. They didn’t close the vote until the descenting members reversed their vote.

  11. did not age well. title is also a lie so should be removed for misinformation

  12. Doesn’t matter. They’re only a fig leaf. Trump will govern by Executive Orders.

  13. Caraes_Naur on

    You haven’t tried to govern for three decades. You’ve become incapable of governing.

  14. CpnJackSparrow on

    Not ‘ready’ to govern? The word they’re looking for is ‘capable.’

  15. teebird_phreak on

    Honestly the anger is gone from the last administration. This time all I can do is laugh

  16. Reed_Ikulas_PDX on

    I just came home from the grocery store and Trumpflation has gone full tilt! Told the kids we can only eat on even numbered days from now on.

  17. the only time they can govern is to pass legislation that lines their pockets and those of their sponsors who fund their election campaigns. This party has no interest in passing legislation beyond those that benefit themselves

  18. aircooledJenkins on

    New article title:

    >Mike Johnson Scrapes Speakership Win After Republicans Change Votes

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