Dies ist mein Mexicano von einer bekannten Frituur in Gent. So viel dünner, als ich mir meine Vorgänger vorgestellt habe. Kleiner Knork für Maßstab. Ist das der Grund, warum die Schrumpfung dazu geführt hat? Wann sollen wir dagegen rebellieren?


Von MaDiceD


  1. Redneck2000 on

    Now I understand why I need three vlezekes instead of one. I thought I was becoming a fatass but the portions are just shrinking.

  2. cxninecrxzy on

    i’ve noticed this as well. Used to only get these at a local turk because they fit between the bread better. Now they’re inescapable.

  3. Petrus_Rock on

    Wait! Are those plastic forks still allowed? I thought they were banned.

  4. twinwaffel on

    If you look left from the vleeske it looks like its a 100% mexicano cut into a 50% mexicano?

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