CBSA erhöht die Kosten für Abgeschobene bei der Abschiebung aus Kanada; Ab April müssen Abgeschobene für begleitete Abschiebungen bis zu 12.800 US-Dollar bezahlen


    1. FancyNewMe on


      * In a press release Friday, the Canada Border Services Agency — which requires deportees to pay transportation costs for their removal from Canada — will be increasing their cost recovery framework as of April. “In situations where the inadmissible person is unable or unwilling to pay, the CBSA covers the cost to ensure that they are removed in a timely manner,” the release said.
      * While the current system charges deportees a flat $1,500 per removal, the new framework will now charge foreign nationals around $12,800 for escorted removals, and just over $3,800 for unescorted removals, regardless of the destination.
      * While the CBSA works on recovering costs, the border agency still has trouble keeping tabs on those who’ve been declared inadmissible.
      * Last month, the *Toronto Sun* reported that border officials lost track of nearly 30,000 people wanted for deportation orders — mainly those who failed to appear for deportation proceedings and those facing active immigration warrants.

    2. Toronto-tenant-2020 on

      That’s great except they don’t deport almost anyone who is inadmissible and illegally in Canada, so it doesn’t really matter.

    3. whiteout86 on

      Actually deporting people would be a good place to start. Once they have that going, they could start asset confiscation to pay the removal costs; I’m sure more people would prefer seeing the deportations happen that the collection of a small amount of fees

    4. AshleyUncia on

      I’m sure they’ll get right on paying that foreign debt once they’re deported…

      Like, I’d genuinely love to see the stats on the rate of actual payment for those costs.

    5. Jake_Swift on

      Economy of scale – perhaps per-instance deportation costs will come down if we increase volume.

      Let’s try it, starting with expired student visas.

    6. Prestigious-Ad-7381 on

      It sounds like about time to remove LMIAs. April sounds far away from now and some might end up leaving…God bless all of you!

    7. It doesn’t really seem like it’s about getting money from the deportees. It seems like it’s building up to something big.

    8. Why not just make it an even billion? Seeing as I doubt anyone will pay it might as well make it as ridiculous as possible.

    9. SportsUtilityVulva9 on

      Sounds great, but you actually have to start deporting for it to mean anything

      I think we should add an extra 2500 to that, which can go to the anonymous tipper that phoned it in

    10. First_Cloud4676 on

      Keep them as prison labor until the 12,800 is paid.

      Problem solved.

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