MAGA Hardliner: Du kannst mir die Finger abschneiden, ich werde nicht für Trumps Sprecher stimmen


  1. IvantheGreat66 on

    I honestly think this and the next two years will kill Massie’s political career.

    He made it when McCarthy got ousted, sure, but it’s not like it impacted any policy decisions. Unless Johnson wrangles him, he’ll spend the next year voting down anything Trump wants because it spends to much money, and then get hit with a MAGA challenger.

  2. ranchoparksteve on

    We will see how many Republican are okay with Johnson cutting deals with Democrats.

  3. If MAGA loyalists are too stupid and stubborn to elect a speaker, and we get President Grassley out of this, it’s going to be hilarious.

  4. TheBatemanFlex on

    I’ve seen more intense promises backtracked by GOP. Time will tell.

  5. steve_ample on

    “Knucklin” Tom Massie does give it a 1920s pugilist vibe, though.

  6. sandy_chamois on

    If Matt Gaetz cakes on any more bronzer, he will have to deport himself…

  7. I don’t understand this. Trump has ordered them to vote for Johnson, and 15-20 GOP house reps are not committing to following Trump’s orders? Won’t the redhat hicks in their districts lambast them for disobeying Trump?

    They seem to be taking orders from Matt Gaetz, who is no longer even in congress. But why?

  8. Don’t threaten us with a good time! Hope we get to watch the finger cutting ceremony.

  9. daviddevere31415 on

    The entire GOP is being fisted by Trump up to his orange elbow with no exceptions. . Not gonna grow a backbone now. . They say they are hailing a taxi when really they are giving their Dear Leader the Roman salute. . Heil Trump

  10. Aegon_Targaryen_III on

    Slightly misleading to call Thomas Massie a Maga hardliner. He’s pretty far right, but has always had a libertarian bent and has been willing to cross Trump before. Hard to see how Johnson wins him back at this point.

  11. Using yakuza terminology for an act of disloyalty to the cult is pretty telling.

  12. Elsa_the_Archer on

    I wonder how many will vote for Elon. You know they are thinking about it.

  13. RandySumbitch on

    Let’s start by trying four fingers and a thumb and see how it goes. Get over here to the chopping block, you loudmouth sissy.

  14. HurricaneRon on

    They will all fall in line with whatever President Musk demands.

  15. myrealusername8675 on

    Massie, a card carrying member of Y’all Queda, talking about enduring torture is pretty hilarious.

  16. Rabid_Sloth_ on

    No one cares. You guys won. You have the power. Pick whoever you want.

  17. Steel-Tempered on

    He’ll vote for Johnson with the nubs of his remaining knuckles.

  18. This ain’t good news. They’re opposing Johnson because he isn’t EXTREME ENOUGH.

    Get ready for Speaker MTG….

  19. Balls_of_Adamanthium on

    This sub posts and eats up cringe ass articles like this and act when they realize reality is different.

  20. Western-Knightrider on

    A lot of people might say that, – but once the knife comes out they change their mind.

  21. PullThisFinger on

    Don’t care which way he votes as long as the fingers come off.

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