Apple willigt ein, 95 Millionen US-Dollar – oder etwa 9 Stunden Gewinn – zu zahlen, um die Sammelklage wegen „Zuhören“ gegen Siri beizulegen


  1. jerrystrieff on

    And the class group will probably see what $1.50 for their class action?

  2. Charming_But on

    *A* proposed *settlement* fund of *$95 million* would be used to *pay* no more than $20 per *Siri* device to US owners who had private conversations.

  3. oliviastrawberry3 on

    Cool. $95 million from a company that did $391,000,000,000 last year.

  4. oliviastrawberry3 on

    Sweet now everyone who suffered harm from this will get $.27. Lawyers will get $35 million. Justice served.

  5. b_a_t_m_4_n on

    So, pocket change then. So this is not so much a fine as it is a ticket to break the law.

  6. That_Jicama2024 on

    Only lawyers make money on class action suits. We got our identities stolen and we were given $1.50 for our trouble.

    Burn it all down.

  7. Erazzphoto on

    “Ohh, that’s it’s?” Rummages through pocket and flips the change into the piss bucket. “Oh piss boy”

  8. > A similar lawsuit on behalf of users of Google’s Voice Assistant is pending in the San Jose, California federal court. The plaintiffs are represented by the same law firms as in the Apple case.

    $20 + $20 – $18 = we eating top ramen tonight boys!

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