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Pretty astonishing outcome IMO for Irish self-defence precedent.
It seems like if you can afford an expensive set of lawyers in this country, you can literally get away with murder.
Drag the whole case out and bamboozle the jury and walk away scot free.
Law was changed in 2011 to explicitly say you can stand your ground and defend your person/property.
Incredible result for his legal team.
Looking forward to Terry Gorry Solicitor’s take on this on his YouTube channel.
I’m sure this thread and Twitter will be calm and civil.
Surprised that he didn’t at least go down for manslaughter. The judge advised this was an option to the jury as well.
The defence team earned their bread on this case, although I’m not sure how I feel about it.
Either way, the process of justice has run it’s course on this, and that’s the system we have. He walks as an innocent man in the eyes of the law.
This is great news. Delighted for him.
Finally a victory for common sense
Nice to see a court decision we can all get behind for once. Thanks for sharing the good news OP 😀.
Wow! Didn’t expect that tbh.
Good, would have set a bad precedent
Hopefully this will give some people pause for thought when up to now they assumed they were untouchable no matter what terror they spread across the countryside.
Surprising result tbh.
I’m all for defending yourself and your property but I thought the fact it was a handgun and he was shot in the back of the head would go against him.
So many similarities to the Deliveroo case: [https://www.irishtimes.com/podcasts/in-the-news/the-george-bento-trial-how-the-brazilian-deliveroo-cyclist-walked-free/](https://www.irishtimes.com/podcasts/in-the-news/the-george-bento-trial-how-the-brazilian-deliveroo-cyclist-walked-free/)
Seems crazy the state has taken both these prosecutions, and juries have taken just hours to come to the obvious conclusion. Rather laws need to be made clearer for self defence, or serious questions need to be asked of the DPP.
Bad news for scumbags. Hopefully we see a decrease in robberies after this
Brilliant result. Ridiculous he had to go through what he did.
Wonder will his next case in Wexford just go away now?
No manslaughter option??
Fair play, best outcome for it.
DPP has a serious lack of real world cop on.
When three grown men are out on a Tuesday afternoon (i.e not at work!) hunting on someone else land without permission, some of them with multiple names and previous criminal convictions, and then proceed to close in on the landowner aggressively… Well it’s probably not going to get past a jury of ordinary decent people.
The fact one of them is in hiding in Spain speaks volumes of the type of people these are.
Shame on them for prosecuting this case
I know why he was prosecuted, but he never should have been. It’s sad he’s had to been put through this process that was always going to end in his acquittal.
I’m not saying he deserved to die but Keith Conlon was a scumbag by all accounts. A mile long list of previous convictions who was constantly harassing the defendant on his land.
Regardless what the law says or what the jury were instructed, no jury in Ireland is ever going to convict a farmer for shooting a scumbag up to no good on their land. It’s just not going to happen. Just look at the Pádraig Nally/John Ward case or in England the Tony Martin case (although in that case the facts were very different).
When this story first broke there were people unironically comparing this incident to the Wind That Shakes the Barley or the attacks against the Ascendancy during the home rule movement. I hope those people learn from this experience and wise up going forward as to not get carried away next time.
I know there will be a small minority of people seething due to the fact he is a barrister and has a few quid but that doesn’t change the facts. The letter of the law may or not have prevailed but justice certainly did.
I said it on day one when the defence summed up their case that there was no way in hell a murder charge was going to stick on this one.
There was way too much reasonable doubt. Kind of surprised a manslaughter verdict didn’t come back, but then I hadn’t been following the whole case.
Knew he would walk free. A fancy barrister who knows the law inside and out was always going to get away with murder. If he was working class he would never see the outside of a cell. Fcuking scumbag. Not an ounce of remorse in him.
Some relief he’s feeling tonight I’d say
I fully approve of this verdict – but I have to ask. Why was he roaming his land armed with a rifle and a revolver? Why would anyone need a revolver? How do you come to own a revolver?
Some more details of the case from an older report in case you’re interested.
Good stuff. Hopefully see ds a message to scum who terrorise decent people
This lad chose to run at, and threaten, a man who just shot his badger baiting dog while he was trespassing, and got shot in turn.
I think this verdict is a result of the fact that the government hasn’t been doing its job.
There’s been a lot of scumbag behavior in both urban and rural areas and people are getting sick of it. If rural crime and trespass weren’t as big an issue then I think the jury would have delivered a different verdict. Same thing goes for the deliveroo case a few years back, I think the jury understood just how much those drivers were putting up with and the not guilty verdict was a sign to the government to get things sorted.