Menschen werden bald in der Lage sein, auf dem Mond abzubauen – aber sollten wir das auch tun? | Der Weltraum wird für immer mehr Nationen und Unternehmen zugänglich, und wir brauchen einen Dialog über Vorschriften, auch auf dem Mond


  1. myrichiehaynes on

    Think of all the cute little moon animals that will be harmed.

  2. starkraver on

    Yes we should. If we are to become a true spacefaring people, we need to be able to use resources already in space. You’re not going to harm the moon.

  3. Mandoman61 on

    No, it would be an incredibly inefficient way to mine. (Unless we found the solar systems only source of hopeium)

  4. GiveMeAHeartOfFlesh on

    I think the only inhibition of this would be if we mined the moon to the point it lost too much mass and stopped effecting our oceans properly. 

    If we are going to mine, it should probably be on other planets or asteroids.

  5. FlyinDtchman on

    Honestly the earth would be MUCH better off if we started mining the asteroid belt and other planets instead of our own.

  6. PercentageLow8563 on

    We’re miners on the moon

    We carry a harpoon…

    Wait that doesn’t make sense

  7. They spent so much time asking if we should, they forgot to consider that we could.

  8. Lanky_Difficulty3240 on

    Is the potential from mining on the moon better than mining asteroids?

  9. cecilmeyer on

    Way better to drill on what we know now as a lifeless rock with no ecosystem to destroy than to pollute our beautiful Earth! But yes there needs to be regulations especially for workers etc.

  10. TheRomanRuler on

    Exactly why i dont wabt private corporations to lead space travel. It needs to be done by nations or multinational groups.

    But yes, yes we should exploit space.

  11. Influence_X on

    Ahh whats the movie where they accidentally shatter the moon, it causes an apocalypse.

  12. notpoleonbonaparte on

    Probably the only time I’ll get to say this line unironically. Drill baby drill!

    Ironically though, I feel as though a lot of lunar infrastructure will be electric anyway because like, there’s no fossil fuels up there to burn, nor excess oxygen to allow for burning, so all the machinery will need to run off batteries…

    The moon is going to have a cleaner atmosphere than earth in future isn’t it.

  13. Think of the cost of bringing mined material back to Earth. We are far from a point where it would be economically sustainable.

  14. racingwthemoon on

    Absolutely not. The Moon is a common to all of the Universe not a corporate mining operation. Sick fucks lead this world.

  15. Spoiler – I actually read the article. Some of these points seem silly – like the “could change the appearance!”. A mine on the moon won’t be visible unless you know where to look. They aren’t going to be moving Grand Canyon amounts of dirt. Others do seem like they should be answered. The question of “Who owns the moon?” is a good one to ask – do we a want taxation on those mined resources? If so, who collects them, and where does the money go? If the moon is the “common heritage of mankind”, then does the US get to have some of the tax from China’s mining operations on the moon? Does Zimbabwe? Does taxation imply ownership for the country levying the tax? If NO taxation on these resources (putting that question to rest), then does the ownership of the materials change from “the shared heritage of mankind” to private? Are there limits on how much can be taken by any individual or company? These are trillion dollar questions that should be defined. The final point is the one I think is most crucial – safety and regulation of human lives there. The miners are going to be living in “company towns” almost certainly. There is a really bad history on Earth with those, and on the Moon you cannot even breathe without the company’s air. Who makes those regulations, and how are they enforced? Does China have enforcement authority over US mining if they see violations? Is the reverse true?

  16. Yes, but with lots of regulations. It’s easy to think “big empty rock, what could go wrong” until some jackass starts carelessly blast mining debris into orbit or crashes a heavy cargo transport on someone’s house.

  17. jerrythecactus on

    If we do, we should try to avoid defacing the half of the moon that points at earth. I’d hate to see the surface of the moon that every generation of creature on this planet has seen for billions of years become a giant quarry pit.

  18. SuicidalChair on

    Yeah let’s pass some regulations to prevent malicious exploitation by those big corporations. Who’s responsible for passing regulations? Ohhhh yeah, it’s the politicians who are in the pockets of those big corporations. Should be easy lol.

  19. Life-Difference-5166 on

    Please please, can we just go back to the moon, period. So I can stop having to debate this mess with my brothers, that we never went in the first place….

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