„Tu nicht, was McCarthy getan hat“: Gemäßigte GOP-Mitglieder fordern Johnson auf, sich nicht mit der extremen Rechten der Partei auseinanderzusetzen



  1. marketrent on

    By Griffin Eckstein:

    *[…] At least a handful of far-right members of Congress aren’t ready to commit their vote to Johnson, the New York Times reported on Thursday, worrying some in the party. According to a report from Axios, “scores” of “regular” House GOPers are warning Johnson not to deal with the party fringe.*

    *“Don’t do what [former House Speaker Kevin] McCarthy did,” one House Republican told Axios. “Don’t give promises upon which you can’t deliver. Don’t give promises that require us to do things that we don’t want to do, that are beyond reasonable.”*

    *[…] Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie pledged his opposition to Johnson on social media this week, while the New York Times reports that Indiana Rep. Victoria Spartz may make her vote contingent on promises to crack down on government spending. Meanwhile, some inside the House Freedom Caucus haven’t yet shared their positions, the Times reports.*

    *Massie also told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that he wouldn’t bow to pressure from his colleagues to back Johnson or sit the vote out.*

    *“If they thought I had no Fs to give before, I definitely have no Fs to give now,” Massie told the outlet.*

  2. prodigalpariah on

    They expect him not to make deals with the far right now that the far right is running the entire clown show?

  3. iplaypinball on

    Oh, today is the day! Johnson should just schedule the vote. And when he loses, just schedule the next. Don’t negotiate. Don’t capitulate. Just have a sh@t show until the give up and vote for him. Eventually all his republican friends will fold and vote for him.

  4. masterofn0n3 on

    Johnson IS the far right. The cognitive dissonance they have makes MY brain hurt.

  5. No_Statistician9289 on

    Maybe moderate GOP member should take their own advice and stop normalizing the party’s far right. Not that they care as long as they keep their power

  6. Simpsons reference incoming: “Don’t do what Donny Don’t does”

  7. HaxanWriter on

    Lol, yeah, ignore the fascist leopard face-eating element of your party I’m sure that will work out great.

  8. Disused_Yeti on

    “Not dealing with the far right” for decades is what got you to this point of them being the majority of the party

  9. muffledvoice on

    When I first read the headline, I thought they were referring to Joseph McCarthy. That says how far to the right the GOP has moved.

    It’s surprising to hear that the GOP even has moderate voices left.

    Looks like the fascists are going to drive the party right over a cliff.

  10. Za_Lords_Guard on

    He’s already agreed to form another committee to investigate the J6 committee.

    Asking him not to treat with the far-right is like asking a duck not to quack.

    He acts like a polite little alter boy, but at his heart, he is as deranged and depraved as Empty G and the rest.

  11. Narrator: And Johnson did go with the party’s far right, just like everyone knew he would.

  12. we_are_sex_bobomb on

    If they want a speaker who will only deal with the center right, Jeffries is right there

  13. You think the guy who watches Jesus porn with his son isn’t far right?

  14. libginger73 on

    THIS JUST IN: there are non-far right Republicans in the house!!

  15. Um, the far right is the Republican Party right now. Trump is the Republican Party. MAGA is the Republican Party.

    Johnson has no choice but to deal with them if that POS wants to keep his seat.

  16. Galactic-Guardian404 on

    Regardless of what individual members may think, the entire party is now far right for all intents and purposes

  17. And then Johnson announces they will be investigating the Jan 6th committee.

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