Gericht hebt US-amerikanische Netzneutralitätsregeln auf; Die Regierung kann das Internet nicht so nutzen, als wäre es ein Versorgungsunternehmen


  1. itsallgoodman2002 on

    ‘The rich do so much winning with the help of the system’ seems like it should just be the new tag line of the U.S.

  2. ahenobarbus_horse on

    Twitter is going to be so much better when you have to pay by the megabyte

  3. Calling what Biden tried to do a “Internet power grab” ……as a European I’m just sitting here trying to grasp how those words can be said and their heads not explode with the amount of dishonesty and lies they have capacity for.

  4. Bob_Sconce on

    That was also the rule in Trump’s last term.  What bad things happened as a result?  (Not being snide — just don’t know.)

  5. Virtual-Height3047 on

    Internet is infrastructure and should be regulated just like any other public space. Including social media. Privatization of these spaces is the biggest threat to modern society as dis/misinformation spreads faster than ever shaping opinions of millions at the time. A quarter of a billion views on Tucker Carlsons interview with Putin and the dimensions of reach Elmo’s posts for endorsing trump added up to equal media spend in hundreds of millions.

    At the same time anonymity is necessary to protect individual privacy – the key is to balance it with accountability in a way that can’t be abused. 

  6. I have to say that the majority of us are truly idiots. We voted for a rapists as president.

  7. Russell_Jimmy on

    There are really two Americas. And I’m not talking about income inequality, or how the justice system works differently depending on access to high-quality legal counsel. I am talking about how Americans live in an America the way they *believe* things work, versus the America where things *actually* work.

    This is an example. If you ask the average voter if they think it’s OK for Comcast to prioritize NBC content over Netflix, they’ll respond, “They can’t do that.” This is because Americans just assume that there are rules in place that make Comcast doing this nonsensical. But there aren’t.

    Another example of this is the dairy farmer who voted for Trump, who uses undocumented labor on his dairy farm. He stated that if all his workers were deported, his dairy would cease to exist. He said that he relied on his representatives to act responsibly, *even though he specifically voted for people to not do that.* This is because he lives in a world where more sane voters (i.e. DEMOCRATS) vote for people who look out for the American people, and they will always be there to protect him–because that is what’s happened in the past, as far as he knows. He doesn’t explicitly know that Democratic voters protect him, he just knows he votes GOP and things operate as they always have, and he can hate all the people he hates but go on living the same way, year after year.

    Or pollution. A mining company dumps their waste water in a river, polluting the water supply. “They can’t do that!” Well, yes, they can. See, the mining company uses a new process that creates a toxic chemical that’s in the water, but a judge with zero training in chemistry or public health has ruled that because there is no law that prevents dumping that chemical *specifically*, the EPA is powerless to prevent it.

    Or birth control. A woman lives in a small town with one pharmacy, and she needs to take birth control to regulate her hormone levels, or prevent pregnancy because a pregnancy could kill her. The pharmacist is against birth control, so he will not fulfill her prescription because it violates his personal beliefs. *That woman cannot have the medication her doctor prescribed now, because the pharmacist has issues with it.* “They can’t do that!” Yes, they can.

    It goes on and on.

  8. 121gigawhatevs on

    Majority of Americans have no clue about the implications. They’re too busy chanting FJB

  9. Consequence of Loper Bright, if this is going to happen then Congress will need to do it.

    Which uh . . . good luck. Bought and paid for, the lot of em.

  10. Stachdragon on

    Start looking into who is paying this judge. Obviously, he is making laws for corporations and not for the people—corruption in public view.

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