US-Aktienmarktrenditen (1872 bis 2024) – annualisierte reale Gesamtrenditen über Zeiträume von 1/5/10/20 Jahren [OC]

Von getToTheChopin


  1. getToTheChopin on

    *[Sorry for the re-post to anyone who saw my original post this morning. It was removed for using a title that did not describe the data plainly. I’ve re-posted with a purely factual title instead]*

    All charts and analysis: [](

    Key insights:

    * Simple Average: the average return of the U.S. stock market has been 8.6% per year over the past ~150 years (1872 to 2024)
    * Annualized Average: the return of the U.S. stock market has been 7.1% per year on an annualized average basis, over the past ~150 years
    * The market has grown in 69% of all years, and declined in 31% of all years on record
    * While the range of returns across 1-year periods has varied significantly (from negative 37.0% to +53.2%), the annualized returns across 20-year periods have a much tighter range (from +0.5% to +13.2%)
    * The U.S. stock market has never declined over any 20-year period in history

    Tools used: excel, powerpoint

    Data sources: Robert Shiller dataset, Yahoo Finance

  2. dunkthefunkk on

    Nice work. Clearly shows that a longer investment holding period gives better signal / reduced noise.

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