
Von Party-Challenge9908


  1. On the religion part: It seems he was a recent convert, and recent radical converts of any religion don’t tend to really enmesh themselves into local communities of believers. They get their religious ideology and community from the internet or a radical fringe they’ve come into contact with.

    If he was not a recent convert (I am struggling to find a solid source on this), then ignore what I said and this is definitely strange.

  2. InPlainSightSeven on

    It’s like we’re supposed to find this info. I’m fairly certain many in our population know they can’t believe these are organic events all while being investigated by an FBI that is so corrupt no one believes a word they say. Most probably believe they had a hand in this.

  3. The mosque he allegedly attended put out a statement and has retained legal council…..

  4. Trade_King on

    ISIS is an CIA asset and always has been. There is a reason why ISIS who claims to be the ”khalif” of islam to have never attempted an attack on israel even during the outrage of the world but guess who they were attacking in that time? Yes peaceful muslim countries left and right. Isis has nothing to do with Islam they are made to confuse the people who do not follow the real logic. Let me re-assure you this if you see anything with ISIS in the name know that the u.s has an agenda behind it.

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