Trump verweist auf Gilded Age, um die Zölle voranzutreiben. Experten sagen, es handele sich um eine Fehlinterpretation der Geschichte


  1. “misreading” is the clue. He can’t, never has, and won’t ever *read*.

  2. FridayLevelClue on

    Ah yes, the Guided Age, when massive wealth inequality and brutal consolidation by robber barons forced the Progressive Era, because otherwise the country would have descended into bloody class warfare. Certainly the historical parallel Trump wants to evoke right now.

  3. Experts’ use of “misreading” in their assertion omitts a malicious intent.

  4. williamgman on

    The. Gilded. Age. Was. Bad. Can’t wait to see how Fox spins this shit.

  5. Spottswoodeforgod on

    Misreading? Seems rather unlikely. A better interpretation would be misunderstanding the show “history for babies” on the Cartoon Network…

  6. Foreign-Repeat9813 on

    Tariffs didn’t make America great. In the Gilded Era tariffs were a cudgel sought by robber baron lobbyists to assail and break competitors. The Gilded Age is relevant, but not for the poorly articulated reasons Trump and Musk state. The bloody “Gilded Age” is relevant now as a new era of robber barons has emerged.

    Trump’s base is aware of Musk’s motives and that Musk’s a mook and a stooge for Xi Jinping. They’re aware that Musk’s new grift makes Trump’s campaign promises (like jobs and a better standard of living) impossible. House Republicans are already breaking ranks. 38 Republicans voted against the final Continuing Resolution (CR) which passed the House on December 2024 with Democrat support.

    This in not Musk’s show. American labor has lived through earlier cons which resulted in lower pay and lower standard of living. Remember the [Homestead Massacre]( Musk’s not as smart or cunning as an Andrew Carnegie, and robber baron era antics have left ugly scars on the collective consciousness of American labor. The brutal lessons learned by labor protect it from lesser, more sleazy iterations on the same theme, like Musk.

    Elon Musk is peddling the narrative that H-1B visas are a vehicle to attract the best talent from across the globe to work in the United States. We need not listen Musk’s falsehoods, we can look to his actions, they prove [Musk has abused the H-1B visa system]( Tesla workers have said that many employees let go in 2024 layoffs were more senior engineers with higher compensation and they have been replaced with junior engineers from foreign countries at lower pay.

    Remember the [Homestead Massacre](

  7. whateveryousaymydear on

    Didn’t the 1930’s depression come right after the Gilded age?

  8. Quick, someone post the clip from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off where Ben Stein explains exactly how stupid this all is, to a visibly enthralled class.

  9. Dunno why they mentioned Hamilton using tariffs without mentioning he used them to help support young industries that struggled to match foreign imports. He didn’t use them for mature industries. He also preferred bounties to tariffs.

    By the Gilded Age, Hamiltonian economics, or the American System, was replaced by Laissez-faire economics. Hamilton was a capitalist but he definitely did not believe corporations would regulate themselves.

  10. We have a media environment where whatever you believe, some group has claimed it.

  11. telerabbit9000 on

    God, when will NYT/NPR stop sanewashing Trump’s idiocy.

    “Gee, Mr. Trump keeps misstating the mechanisms of what a tariff actually is.
    If we just keep patiently educating him, surely he will at some point process this new information.”

  12. Potential-Bee3866 on

    He’s not misreading, he’s straight up lying as usual… 

  13. invalidpassword on

    >… it’s a misreading of history…

    You see, the problem is that Trump doesn’t read. Let that sink in a bit. The upcoming leader of the free world **doesn’t** **read!!** He does fancy picture books though

  14. Highthere_90 on

    Is he really misreading it or is he purposely doing this to screw everyone over?

  15. Joebranflakes on

    He wants to crash the economy so his buddies can buy up as much as possible.

  16. DangerousCyclone on

    Referring to this era is ridiculous, beyond the inequality, the governments finances were so garbage JP Morgan stepped in to bail them out. It literally proved that tariffs are a terrible way of getting revenue to balance the books.

  17. PitFiend28 on

    Gilded is the right term. Shiny on the outside worthless on the inside

  18. The last President of the Gilded Age, William McKinley, was assassinated.

  19. Oh gosh they say, it’s just a misreading of history. Just a poor understanding that’s all.

    Not “brain damaged rapist talks about long debunked economic theory, opposes Free Trade – the foundation of American wealth”

    I’ve come to realise even the supposed anti trump media is just protrump. Just sane washing day in day out as if he has some real economic plan.

  20. Professional-End2722 on

    It’s facilitated theft and fraud. That is all. Corrupt guy at top puts corrupt people (loyal to Trump only) in all the important positions. Aided by oligarchs who control the media, aided by a corrupt police force.

    The really stupid ones aren’t necessarily Bobby Jo Maga and his cousin wife who are broke. It’s the Ones who are on $100k or $200k who were “aching for that tax cut.” They are going witness everything they hold dear, disappear. They won’t be rich enough to withstand what’s coming, all the insurances, healthcare and pension provisions won’t be worth shit as the layers above them, CEO / investment Billionaire class, pull up the drawbridge behind them.

    The middle class will be destroyed as the jobs they do are outsourced to a Visa chap who will do it for $40k and can never leave the job.

    Country goes broke, all federal wealth (land and institutions) is silently auctioned off at 10% value to corporations and tech guys like Vivek and musk who will fill their boots.

    As I say it’s theft and fraud and everyone on the right seems ok with it. There will be nothing left to fight over, but at least that trans girl in Wyoming can’t play hockey anymore.

  21. Just let him do his thing. Apparently some people need to learn a hard lesson. Just prepare for the worst you guys.

  22. DurkaDurka81 on

    Yeah, umm, the Gilded Age wasn’t exactly an idea model for an economy.

    There’s a reason that it was called “gilded”.

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