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Wtf 😳
This would make sense if it also had some accountability measures and created higher barriers to entry for being a police officer. No sketchy tattoos, no drug gang affiliations, no white supremacy affiliations, no taking a few community college credits for a badge and gun; a 4 year degree should be required, no more police union, no omertà, no DUIs/domestic violence charges and a psych eval should be required. If all of those boxes are checked then yeah charge for the footage.
Tran$parency. Some of the most inflated budgets of all government institutions that we pay for and yet they’re looking for a way to profit…? Or more accurately, limit what the average person gets to see.
That is an amazingly cowardly thing to do. De wine, such a great leader,am I right? 🐌👏🏼
Confirming policing is not for the benefit of poor people.
Conservative policies stink.
I work in law enforcement. I’ll straight up say it….DeWine’s a fucking piece of shit. This doesn’t help law enforcement in the slightest. Only furthers us from being viewed in a good light by the public we serve and protect.
Sounds likes he’s a traitor to ohios citizens
This guy is such an old fucking chode. What’s weird is i feel like even a lot of maga folks don’t like him either.
Dudes a fucken fossil and bases everything on religion.
Taxing the poor, again, as a way to *put boot to neck*.
F*ck’em! always record, save to cloud, send copies to friends and family. Fight to not pay.
A lot of FOIA requests have been going in for the body cam footage of the nazi parade in columbus a month or so ago… wonder if there’s any link there
Evil right wing devils. Whose side are they on? Russia?
Taxpayers already paid for the videos. What an idiot
If you wanna find out how to fuck something up look at how Ohio does it and do that! except for the food and medicine that is not taxed that is decent!
The fuck is the justification of this except to make the process of investigations against the police more difficult?
Dewine is definitely friends with wexner, which means he’s on the Epstein list. Disgusting ghoul of a human.
Transparency for those that can afford
Of course it’s Ohio.
Wouldn’t that be withholding evidence?
Just tossing out that *no expectation to privacy* thing, eh?
Party of *small* government tries new strategy in fight against police body cams.
Remember when 4 white American officers repeatedly beat an unarmed Black American hitting him nearly 50 times and a bystander recorded it and the video was admissible in court but the jury acquitted the officers of the charges anyways leading to riots that lasted six days?
Me either
Start the bidding at one billion dollars please
The courts have ruled that police have no duty to protect human life, only against property damage, cannot be sued for dereliction of duty, and now cannot be recorded by civilians.
Why even have cops anymore?
I can understand if there was some concern about people requesting mass amounts of random bodycam footage just to troll the police departments and waste public resources, but if we’re talking about a use of force incident, especially one that makes national headlines, releasing the video at no cost should be standard policy for all departments. If some very small town police force gets involved in a news worthy use of force and footage is requested, the state should step in to assist the small agency and get it done.
What in the absolute fuck. What a blatantly horrific choice for any purpose. My chances of being murdered by police just shoot through the god damned roof
>”Well, once again, we have close to 1,000 police departments in the state of Ohio. Some of them are very small,” said DeWine. “What this amendment—again I’ve not made a decision about this— but what this amendment would do is allow them to recover some of the cost that is involved. This is a very heavy burden.”
>He added that he is a “strong proponent” of police cameras, but now that they are more widespread, he seems to suggest that it becomes tedious.
>”It also creates a lot more film and a lot more video,” he said. “It’s not a question of whether you get it. It’s not a question of how fast you get it. It’s simply a question — is, as a matter of public policy, are we going to require some reimbursement for that?”
Every once in a while I want to like Mike DeWine, then he does something like this and I don’t (again).