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Shadow Chief Justice Thomas is going to do everything in his power to help Trump and the likely retire so Trump can seat a hand-picked mini-me.
Corruption begets corruption.
“Justice” is just a job title when it comes to Clarence Thomas.
“ethics lapses” is a nice way to say “overt corruption”.
I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you!
It’s almost like you can’t trust them to police themselves… 🤔
Of course it won’t. 🙄 No one expected it to.
If anyone wants an in-depth look at how our court system has become corrupt, check out the following books. Fair warning; if you care about a fair judicial system and democracy, they’ll leave you infuriated.
[Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27833494-dark-money?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=6NgrbSzUU8&rank=1) This one introduces you to the major players behind the scenes, the groups they founded, and their ultimate goals.
[Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30011020-democracy-in-chains) Goes into an in depth look at the plans the people in Dark Money laid out, the countries they’ve tested them in, and how they’re applying/have applied them in America.
[One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36711317-one-person-no-vote) How those plans have been used to suppress the vote, including major actions by the various courts.
[The Court v. The Voters: The Troubling Story of How the Supreme Court Has Undermined Voting Rights](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198509121-the-court-v-the-voters) A deeper look at how the people in Dark Money have used the courts to further suppress the vote in order to gain ground on their plans.
[The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60199845-the-scheme) How the Dark Money group captured the supreme court, and what it means for us in the future.
[The Shadow Docket: How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62315858-the-shadow-docket?ref=rae_7) Goes into detail on how the captured SC is using the shadow docket to further the goals of the Dark Money group.
I was **not** holding my breath
the corrupt helping the corrupt while the regular folks suffer. fuck this shit
“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”
Who watches the custodians? lmao
Same as it ever was.
His Emotional Support Billionaires will of course keep him from facing any repercussions for being arguably the most corrupt Justice in U.S. history.
wow imagine that
Clarence Thomas has received way more blowjobs from interns and staffers than Bill Clinton — and without consent.
** “People are saying, lots of people are saying it, like you wouldn’t believe!”* –The Don
You can’t have both the Supreme Court and President above the law you know. It would be a conflict of interest.
Question for you Americans: do you think he would face any consequences if he accepted a cartoon moneybag labeled “bribes” in full daylight on the Supreme Court’s steps and smiled for the pictures? Because based on what I see from your media over there, I don’t think he would.
Corruption here, corruption there. USA system is surely going downhill
Thurgood Marshall is turning in his grave over the corruption of his replacement.
Course they won’t.
What in the fuck I don’t understand there’s some guy who can’t afford a car/insurance gets a jaywalking ticket for crossing the road when it’s clear but this motherfucker gets to just be a flagrant bribe taking fuck and “aww geee, nothing we can do!”
In a million lifetimes I never expected to grow into in an adult in an America that is this blatantly, obviously, in-our- faces corrupt. The daily disillusionment I experience is fucking devastating. Something is going to break.
SCOTUS is above the system of checks and balances our forefathers so painstakingly wrote into the constitution.
Pathetic that they feel entitled to their tax free slush funds
BREAKING NEWS!: obviously corrupt justice system lets obvious corruption slide. More at eleven.
He took millions in bribes from people with cases before the court. It’s that simple.
Your honor I didn’t not mean to commit fraud. I simple had a lapse ethics. Yes officer that is my cocaine, but it was a simple lapse in ethics. Funny how the elite simply have lapses in ethics but the poor commit crimes.
Of course not! Justice is dead.
You know, the next time we have a pandemic, and there’s a toilet paper run, just use the constitution. Cause it seems like that’s what the document has become.
Checks and Balances are a joke. This period of time in the US will go down in history as “the dark days”.
> “Because the Judicial Conference does not superintend the Supreme Court and because any effort to grant the Conference such authority would raise serious constitutional questions, one would expect Congress at a minimum to state any such directive clearly. But no such express directive appears in this provision,” Conrad said.
Oh yes thank you for such brave and thoughtful “restraint” in these trying times
You don’t say!
Why did he need to be referred? Since when are obvious crimes not simply prosecuted?
Untouched by human laws.
Make the referral, as a legislator with oversight authority, yourself. There is no need to trust the branch in suspicion to police itself.
Cowards and betrayers
Cry some more, Roberts. The judiciary is a joke, justice department is a joke, this whole country is a comedy special.
Ha ha. “Ethics”.
Ah yes, no consequences
“Doesn’t matter LOL” – essentially what’s being said here.