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Liz Cheney is no hero and neither is her father. What the hell happened to the Democratic Party??
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it
Hooray, you did the bare minimum.
In lieu of a pardon. I’m kinda indifferent at this point.
> A loud cheer erupted from those gathered at the White House ceremony as Cheney walked up to accept her award from Biden, as the announcer said the Republican was receiving it “putting the American people before her party.”
So she was awarded the second highest honor an American citizen can be given by the President for saying she doesn’t like Cheeto Mussolini to anyone that would listen. So brave.
So anyway, will my Citizens Medal be in the mail or…?
So Democrats are basically Republicans from before MAGA now. Cool.
This administration and democratic party was a complete abject failure on all fronts. Especially moral. Don’t expect another Dem president for a few cycles.
Who cares dude.
fuck off appeasing her. waste of fucking time
What a timeline… Liz Cheney became a voice of reason—relatively speaking—within the GOP.
And while she was censured, intimidated and ostracized by her party, and while Republicans are currently threatening to jail her for participating in a compulsory investigation that established evidence of King Trump’s crimes, we should reflect on the reality that she doesn’t really deserve a medal for doing the fair and reasonable thing, and regardless of the fact that a vast majority of the members of her party pledged their undying allegiance to a corrupt, fraudulent, serial criminal…
Mind you, for all of their whining about the January 6th investigation, it was Republicans who first voted down a bipartisan commission to investigate the events that unfolded on January 6th. And an investigation that, in a better world, should have been all but unavoidable to begin with.
Just because she’s become a pariah in the eyes of the MAGA lunatics, doesn’t mean she should become some superstar to those on the other side of the aisle.
In the same way Mike Pence doesn’t deserve a medal for abiding by the constitution. Oh, you did what any sensible representative would do? You did your basic duty? Here’s an award for such a tremendous achievement!
So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause
This whole situation is even more absurd than the title implies. Rather than holding individuals accountable for January 6, we’re giving politicians MEDALS for simply doing their jobs. America was an intriguing concept… I can only imagine what living through its collapse will be like.
It’s going to piss off Donald so I’m fine with it.
Stop promoting her you fucking goofs
I am not sure if it will work but i think its to tell the current republicans to serve and protect their country first.
In a month or two were going to look back at this and realize how dumb it was to complain about. We’re about to have much bigger problems than an outgoing president giving out pointless awards.
So it seems that the Cheney family are the new heroes for the Democrats.
Bad people can do good things, and good people can do bad things.
I appreciate her trying to do the right thing when it mattered.
Mike Pence deserves a medal for certifying the 2020 results.
I can’t tell if this is just the media environment weaving narrative like usual or what, but something has seriously gone funny in the Democratic party.
First Biden pardons his son, which would be an expectedly normal indulgence of power of not for the fact that (1) said pardon was announced months before the end of his term, (2) came on the tail end of a whole arc about how sacred the judicial system is and how much he respects the law which (3) played into the whole “malicious abuse of the justice department” narrative which Trump has been trying to spin for years. Again, while this may have been the right move morally, it was terrible politically because it made Democrats look like corrupt hypocrites and legitimized one of Trump’s talking points.
Next Nancy Pelosi pulls some strings to get a no-name 74-year-old with throat cancer in as the top oversight committee Democrat (a highly visible position with significant communications duties), completely sidelining AOC (a proven communicator) for the role. Sure this may have been a tactical decision – put some random in charge as not to draw attention to yourself – but it simply reinforced beliefs within the party that young progressive voices are being suppressed in favor of old guard moderates. Once again, bad political optics.
Then Biden casts a bunch of commutations and winds up commuting the sentence for the “kids 4 cash” judge (TL:DR private prison kickbacks in exchange for harsher juvenile sentences). Right-wing media attacks the move as being soft on crime, Left-wing media attacks the move as ill-informed and helping perpetuate a broken system. Yet again, Democrats suffer politically.
Finally, we have Biden (and Democrats are large) parading around Liz Cheney like she’s a great political martyr. Did she oppose Trump as a result of Jan. 6th and face excommunication from Republican circles as a result? Yes. Did she happily go along with Trump’s agenda prior to Jan. 6th? Yes. Would her and her family benefit greatly from establishment Democrats continuing to greenlight arms shipments to Ukraine and Israel? Yes. Would she have happily gone back to obstructing the Democratic party agenda if Trump had been defeated? Most likely. Putting all that aside, though, the political framing is horrible. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was a low point for the Biden administration, despite it being necessary and long overdue. Hanging around with the daughter of Dick Cheney (commonly seen as the architect of our 20 year wars in the Middle East) only serves to remind people of that low point, and only further divides party elites from party members.
Where did we go wrong, and why does it feel like Democratic party elites have decided to cash in their chips and rake up what they can before Trump’s oligarchs take their cut? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting we go back to the “when they go low, we go high” mentality that got Clinton speared in 2016, but maybe these things should be run past an analyst before they get greenlit? It just feels like the Overton window for the party’s leadership is at a different place than the party’s members, which may very well be at a different place than the country’s population. I don’t know how we fix this but I hope we figure it out quickly, because the next four years will be relentless and Democrats need a consistent, party-unifying, and country-convincing narrative to run in 2026 and 2028 with.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant. Sorry if I got anything wrong or was too verbose at times.
You can bitch all you want but your voice has as much impact in politics as your voice does in a crowded bar with live music.
She stood for the US Constitution when many of the progressives were doing jack shit but going on networks.
The GOP leveraged the first two years to protect Trump. The Infrastructure bill would never have passed the US Senate if Trump was fully impeached.
The 235 Federal Justices would have been a fraction, and in the end the US Supreme Court Trumped Congress to protect their asses.
If you can’t figure out how come he walked then you’re not smarter than a fifth grader.
Trump’s lawyers calculated all angles with the GOP and 6-3 super majority on the US Supreme Court.
Those 235 lifetime Federal Justices will do far more to restore the Democracy than any Impeachment ever will.
Initially, I thought this was terrible, but after some thought, I can understand the play here. This has Fox News and Trump going on rants against Liz Cheney instead of other folks, at least for a little while…
Is only regret is that he couldn’t be as big of a war criminal as Liz Cheney’s dad.
TBF, if you know your legacy is going to be awful, actively including monsters like the Cheneys on your sinking ship is for the greater good.
It’s flava of love when the contestant pooped on the floor. Granted, we’re the floor.
Fucking stupid. She helped engineer and create this fucking mess. Democrats just don’t know how to hold people accountable.