Einige Standbilder aus Malta, einen Monat nachdem ich als Student hierher gekommen bin 🙂 Amateur und Anfänger, aber ich fröne meiner Leidenschaft für Straßenfotografie; den italienischen Einfluss ausgraben.


Von mayoni5e


  1. You definitely have a style. Bright colors and heavy contrast with lots of dark areas. I like it! Different from most other images we normally see, which sets you apart. Too many photographers capture images that all look alike.

  2. legalsmegel on

    How do you find Malta as someone not from there. (I’m thinking of moving there in 2025)

  3. weedcoinsouth on

    Bro great work ! Can i add something ? experiment adding to the already great work, try lower and higher Camera height and camera angles 🙂

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