Michael Taube: Wer hat Kevin O’Leary gebeten, in unserem Namen zu verhandeln?



  1. cheesebrah on

    noone he is a joke and a reality tv personality that wants attention. just ignore him please.

  2. Emmerson_Brando on

    It’s just a dog whistle to those that are listening, so he can make all the local news (which it is) and he can try and be the musk of Canada. It’s going to work as he already has the ears of Alberta premier and his dumbass astroturfing idea to build a $70 billion data centre in remote northern Alberta. Just going to move taxpayer money into his pockets.

  3. Purple_Writing_8432 on

    The opening caption couldn’t capture it better “The last thing we need is another harebrained idea from a failed politician”

  4. lol no one did. He should just stick to his watch collection. And invest in his wife getting some lessons on how to drive a boat safely.

  5. WeepingJello on

    We could deport him to the United States… I’m ok with that.

  6. He’s a hullabaloo self promoter looking for an angle to make a buck

  7. RoyalPeacock19 on

    Nobody. He’s just self-important enough that he want to.

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